Gifts for Teenage Boys

Everyone will be jealous of your awesome gift-giving abilities. As you are scrolling through our gifts for teenage boys, you may find something for someone else in your life, or even yourself! Instead of stressing over shopping, have some fun and be confident in your choices. Teenage boys can be quite a handful, even more, when they don't like what you got them for their birthday or a special occasion. When gifting something, we always aim to please so it's just natural that you do want to find a gift that will plaster a nice big smile on that teenage boy of yours. Our gallery of teenage boy's gift ideas include something for every kind out teenager out there; no matter what he likes, we bet we got something special to match his favorite sports, hobbies, movies, and music. So sit down, relax, get a cup of coffee and start browsing our teenage boy gifts gallery. By the way, we stock items in all price ranges, so no worries about getting something for all types of budgets. We love that we have a wide variety of original gifts for teenage boys. You can get something funny that will make him laugh, a vintage gift that he will be able to use for years to come, a decoration for his room, or a book he will really enjoy.

10 Things to Consider When Buying Gifts for Teenage Boys

1. Get something fit for their age

Sometimes when it comes to boys, people tend to get gifts that are either too childish or too mature.

When it comes to getting an age-appropriate gift it’s best to either get something fit for their age or just a little more mature.

This doesn’t have to be something extravagant and can be as simple as a nice, good quality leather wallet.

2. Find out what they like

Teenage boys, interests are all over the place and can be anywhere from scholastic to sports.

To make sure you get them something they actually like, talk to them and find out what it is they like.

Some boys tend to get really interested in franchises like Star Wars or Game of Thrones which is perfect for trying to find a gift.

Once you know what they like it’ll be much easier to narrow down your search.

3. Get something related to their hobbies

Finding out what their hobbies are, is another great way to get something they like as well as something they will use.

Many boys pick up sports like football or soccer so getting them something related to that is sure to go a long way and you know it’ll be used instead of putting off to the side.

And this works for any boy and any hobby!

4. Check out their social media accounts

Almost every teenager these days has some type of social media account whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. which they use to post about their lives.

If it’s hard to find out what he likes from talking to him, browsing through his social media will definitely give you some ideas.

They always post pictures or statuses showing what they’re doing or even things that they want. This is perfect if you really want to surprise them with something!

5. Consider something they can use every day

It can be easy to get them something they like that is kind of knick-knack and will end up sitting somewhere collecting dust

. If you don’t want that to happen, consider getting them something they can use every day.

If they’re younger this can be something fun like a game or fun school supplies and if they’re older something they can use as an adult or in college is fabulous.

6. Be thoughtful

As with every gift, it should be thoughtful. When you put in effort into finding an item it shows and it goes a longer way than just picking something random.

By finding out what they like and trying to get something you know they will use or something that will be helpful in their life, you show them that you actually care about them and that you took the time to find out a little bit about them.

This is actually very important to teens even though they try to seem like they don’t care.

7. Encourage creativity

Sometimes people think that creativity is for not boys, but this is so untrue! Boys are just as creative as anyone else and sometimes even more so.

Think about getting a gift that inspires their creativity whether it’s through art, building (advanced Legos, rockets) or even experiments.

Creativity doesn’t just have to be in art, it can be in every aspect of life. Try finding a gift that lets them be creative with their interests or hobbies.

This will promote learning growth and help them be outside thinkers when they are older.

8. Think about your past

If you’re a man think about what gifts you wanted when you were younger.

Often times, these things don’t change over time and if you get something you wanted, they will probably enjoy it as well. It’s also a great way to get something unique!

Sometimes major stores stop selling older products so they can make room for newer brands but newer doesn’t always mean better.

If you get them something older there’s a higher chance that it will be completely different from anything you can find today making it more special.

9. It should be well made and durable

Boys are usually rough with their things so whatever gift you get them, it should be made of high-quality material and durable.

This way they don’t have to worry about being careful with the gift and it will last them for a lifetime!

10. Consider if they can use it in the future

When getting a gift consider how you want it to be used. There are items that are fun but will only be used for a couple of years and then put away and there are other gifts that can be used well into the future.

If you want the gift to be used for a while, consider getting them something they can still use in the future.

This is more helpful for them and you know that you’re not getting some flimsy, unthoughtful present.

Teenage boy gifts: practical tips to getting a gift he will appreciate

If you’ve had children you’ll know, the older they get, the harder it is to please them when buying a gift.

Teens can be particularly picky about the things they want around them, and pick a gift that will live up to their expectations is always difficult.

For teenage boys it’s even more of a challenge so here are a few tips on how to pick out a gift he’ll appreciate.

If you get to know the person you intend to give a present to, then choosing the right gift becomes so much easier, although it will never be risk-free.

Find out from the teen what their interests are.

If you have a chance to have a conversation with them you will also be able to get a feeling for their personality.

Knowing Your Teenager

Discovering their interests. Try to get to know the teenager you intend to buy the gift for.

By getting into a conversation with them you can pick up clues about their interests, and what they may be looking for.

Ask about their favorite things, and what they are passionate about, and also what they get up to in their spare time and at the weekends.

When you’re chatting to them, take a close look at what they’re wearing, how they carry themselves, and how they talk, as all these are great clues to the person within.

If it’s your own teenagers, then this is all second nature, but if they’re nephews, it may mean a trip to their home.

Try and get a peek into their room, as what you see there can give you some great clues on what they like, and the sort of gift they’ll appreciate.

When you have the conversation, doing it in the room can help start the questioning by relating to things that are as decoration.

Open questioning. Teenagers are notorious for not answering questions, and if they do use as few words as possible. Some people liken it to getting blood out of a stone.

In order to get a response, you have to ask what are known as ‘open’ questions and is a trick used by the best interviewers on television.

If you ask ‘how do you spend your free time?’ or ‘what’s your favorite band?’ you’ll never get a yes or no answer.

The trick is to ask questions starting with W. Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How?

Also try not to make it like an interrogation, open up yourself, and talk about some of your likes and experiences, so you can begin to interact with your nephew.

Social media. Looking through a teenager's social media account can give you a better insight than just talking to them.

It should give you an understanding of what interests them, and what gets them excited about life.

Ask the parents. If all else fails, ask the people who know the teenager the best, his parents.

Parents are the best people to know what the teenager loves and hates, and what they passionate about in their lives.

If the teen has brothers and sisters, why not talk to them to see if they can shed light on what might make an excellent gift.

Or if you know anyone teens that have similar interests, why not ask them about what would make a good gift.

Choosing the Right Gift

Compile a list. Once you have your research done and have an idea of the teen’s personality, interests, and style, make a list of the things that you consider define them, and what they like.

Spend a little time considering his attributes and write down as many things as you can. Once you have a list, try and pair a gift idea with each of those attributes.

For instance, if he’s a movie buff, why not consider a subscription to one of the streaming services or get them a basket full of merchandise (is he a Stranger Things fan? Get him Stranger Things related merchandise!), or maybe an upgrade if he already has one.

Think back. Try and remember when you were a teenager and the sorts of things you liked to do.

The things that interest teenagers when you were that age are not much different from the interests of teens today.

Focus on your options. With lots of ideas buzzing around your head, you need to focus on one specific gift.

Bear in mind that the gift you choose will have to be within your budget (10 dollars? 50 dollars?), and not something that they may already have. Don’t forget to check with the teenager’s parents.

You may decide on a ticket to a concert by their favorite band is a good idea, but their parents may not agree.

So be ready to compromise with a CD or a download subscription instead.

Try to avoid gifts that the teen’s parents are likely to buy them such as clothes.

Try and think of something they would not necessarily buy for themselves, or have bought for them.

Choosing a Safe Gift

Gifting made simple. If you really can’t think of something for the teenager but have an idea of his likes and dislikes, then a gift card can be a safe choice and a soft option.

Lots of stores offer gift cards, from clothes retailers to electronics, music, and games.

If you haven’t discovered their favorite stores, you could always consider a rechargeable credit or debit card, which can be used at any type of retailer, bricks, and mortar or online.

Cash can be king. I don’t know of any teenager who would not want or accept some money as a gift.

You can buy them a card, and slip the cash inside, so the gift comes with something to remind them.

Receipt it. If you are going to gift a teenager, try and include the receipt so that if they don’t like your choice, or already have something similar they can return it to the retailer for something else.

If you are going to choose a gift, make sure the store you buy it from has a return policy and is flexible enough to provide a refund, credit note or exchange.

A Gift for Every Budget

Even if the teenage boy in your life has expensive taste, we can help you find a gift that not only is awesome but also doesn’t break the bank.

The perfect gift is not necessarily expensive, but it creates a memory for or with the person.

No matter what the occasion, holidays, birthdays, graduations or accomplishments, or whatever you are purchasing the gift for, we have your back.

We love providing people with the perfect gift for everyone in their lives.

Remember to tap into their passions or hobbies. People love functional gifts, something they can use in their everyday lives.

It is a great way to find an awesome gift that you know will be used over and over again.

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