Red Roses Flower Bouquet by Benchmark
This dramatic and full crimson bouquet of roses is sure to make anyone’s day a little brighter and happier! This is the perfect gift for that special someone who has been ill or hospitalized and needs a little pick me up to lift their spirits.
This lovely bouquet of two dozen absolutely stunning red roses is such a perfect and elegant way to say “Get Well Soon”! This arrangement would of course also be an ideal present for Valentine’s day or as a birthday gift for someone very special!
Detailed information about Red Roses Flower Bouquet by Benchmark
This bouquet of 24 stems will add a sense of elegance and drama to any room that they are placed in. Mother Nature’s display has never looked so good!
With two dozen perfect red roses, there has never been so much beauty and love in one vase.
This arrangement is certain to uplift the spirit of anyone who is fortunate enough to receive it
The flowers in this arrangement are grown in accordance with and certified by The Rainforest Alliance, meaning that the utmost care is taken to minimize the carbon footprint left by Benchmark Bouquets and the flowers that are grown and harvested by them.
Environment and preservation are key to the production of this beautiful and guilt-free bouquet.
Beautiful fresh flowers artfully arranged and carefully packaged
Overnight delivery at no additional cost to guarantee the ultimate in freshness
A packet of flower food and the beautiful vase are included in the price
Two dozen richly hued deep red roses are packaged, along with a lovely vase, and are delivered just before they bloom.