Father's Day Gift Ideas

With Father’s Day rapidly approaching, you are thinking of doing something nice for your dad and that means it's time to start browsing some Father's day gift ideas as a means of saying thanks for all that he’s done in your life. A notable figure in your everyday life, your father has been with you for as long as you can remember, from your first baseball game to your first day of university. He has given you lots of support in your endeavors, along with the usual, run-of-the-mill dad jokes that make you laugh despite their corniness. Surprise, surprise! If there is one member of the family that’s always difficult to surprise, then it has to be a dad. But that shouldn’t put you off thinking up ways to make Father’s Day special. There are lots of little ways you can surprise dad to make it a day to remember. Also, it’s not about spending money and buying expensive gifts; it’s much more about showing you care, and appreciate him. That’s why we offer you a list of unique father's day gift ideas to browse through!  

10 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying a Gift for Father's Day

1. It’s about him

While Father’s Day is a holiday that celebrates the whole family, at the end of the day it’s really about the man who is being honored as a part of that family.

It’s important to remember not only the father, but also the person, and cater the day to the individual’s interests apart from their familial role.

2. Help him get out of town

If it’s something that you can swing financially, it’s often a very nice gift to give someone some time to themselves.

A weekend away for some rest and quiet enjoyment may be just what he needs.

3. Have the kids come up with something

In many households with young children, it is up to the spouse to spearhead the efforts for Father’s Day.

Get the kids involved in the shopping by asking their opinion, and help them make a card or other handcrafted items.

4. Don’t spend too much

Father’s Day is not a major holiday in most western nations. It’s more a day of family, smaller tokens of appreciation for under 10 or 20 bucks, and time spent together.

Leave the big-ticket items for birthdays and winter holidays.

5. Do something as a family

Father’s Day festivities are the perfect arena for a family activity. Try going to a lake if you have one nearby, or heading off to watch a movie together.

Whatever you do, make sure that the kids and dad are there. That’s all it takes to make Father’s Day father’s day.

6. He doesn’t need another usual gift

A tie is the standard, go-to, Father’s Day gift of children everywhere. The thing is, though, few men wear ties to work anymore.

If they do, they are sure to have a decent collection of them already. A tie is really a Father’s Day trap to avoid.

7. Help him experience something new

Since it has already been established that he has too many ties, why not branch away from giving him tangible things altogether?

Try buying him a skill lesson in something that he has always wanted to learn, or tickets to something he wants to see.

8. The gift is his

In the end, the gift that you purchase is meant for one person—your Dad.

You don’t need to like the gift for yourself, it just has to be something that he would enjoy.

9. The sentiment is a good thing

Father’s Day is ultimately about the relationship, and it’s good to acknowledge that.

Find creative ways to emphasize what Dad means to you, such as a personalized photograph or long, earnest, well-written card.

10. Say it

Many of us often fail to say the important and meaningful things of life to our fathers.

Saying “I love you” and “Thank you” can be the most precious gifts of all.

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The Perfect Father's Day Gift Ideas

Dad: he’s your biggest supporter, and come June, it’s time for you to show him how much you truly appreciate him.

Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to make dad feel special. It’s the one day where the focus is on him instead of on everyone else that he is always there for.

A gift for dad is a perfect way to show your love, and we’re here to help you decide what to get.

For someone who isn’t comfortable opening up and sharing how they feel, days such as Father’s Day are there to help everyone out.

For the man that gave you everything he could, here’s the one day each year that you can show him how thankful you are.

1. Let him have a day off

Dads are always busy if they’re not at work; they’re usually sorting out a long list of things mum has for him to do at home.

He doesn’t get much time for himself, or just to take a breather from his busy schedule.

As Father’s Day regularly falls on a Sunday, make sure he has a long lie-in in the morning, and how about organizing breakfast in bed.

Let him laze around the house all day in his PJs and slippers. Don’t complain if he wants to watch the game.

If you really want to make it a special day, why not ring up his boss, and see if you can persuade him to give your dad the Monday off too, so he can really have a very special Father’s Day plus one.

2. Make a coupon book

On a similar theme, how about prolonging the surprise throughout the year. You can make your own coupon book, which he can use for special treats in the weeks to come.

You can create coupons to wash dad’s car, give him breakfast in bed, and let him have a day out with his buddies, a day without chores, or even a day with the kids.

The treats you can give your dad are only limited by your imagination, and because it is something very personal he’ll love it.

3. A surprise picnic

The easiest way is to describe it as a picnic, but think of it more of a cookout somewhere your dad likes. It could be a local park, or lake, somewhere he has fond memories.

You’ll probably need the rest of the family in on the surprise, but carefully think ahead and organize a barbecue at your chosen destination.

Think about his favorite grilled food, and make sure there is plenty of it, along with lots of beers.

As it’s Sunday, how about suggesting you go for a drive together, while the rest of the family head directly to the picnic area and sets up.

4. Recreate memories

Dads always have stories to tell about their youth. You know what he’ll say: “When I was your age... I used to..”, and you can fill in the blanks yourself. Well, why not try and recreate those memories for him.

Whatever memory your dad likes to linger on, think about ways of making it come to life again. Make sure it’s a good memory, or he may not thank you for it.

5. Sound and vision

It’s incredible how many memories come from music and movies. Songs mainly create images of good times in the past.

So, how about spending the day going through your dad’s music collection, listening to some of his favorite tunes.

You can talk about what he likes about the songs, and the memories they bring back. The same can be done with old videotapes if you still have a player that is.

6. The hobby guy

Most dads have some kind of hobby; it could be fishing, tinkering with old cars, making models, or collecting antiques.

Whatever his passion outside the family considers giving him a gift that will help him with it.

It doesn’t have to be expensive, as it could be just something to make working on his hobby a little easier or more productive.

A better fishing lure if he likes to go angling, a specialist tool for the cars he likes to work on, or even a book to help him research his love of old things.

7. Photo collection

How about rifling through the old picture albums you have in the house, and uncover some of your dads as a child, or of you as a child with him.

Once you’ve got a stack of them together, mount them in a frame with some quotes or messages to show how much you care.

And rather than giving it to him as a present, why not sneak into his bedroom at night and put it in a place where he will see it when he wakes up.

It will be a tremendous heart-warming surprise for him on Father’s Day.

8. Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake

Making something special for dad on Father’s Day always goes down well, so if you’re good in the kitchen why not make him a cake.

Bake him a special cake, something that he likes. If it were for our dad, we’d bake him a Christmas cake, which I know he loves, as I know he would eat it any time of year.

If you’re going to have a surprise party as well, how about making not just one cake, but a tray load of cupcakes. When it comes to the frosting, think of a theme that dad would like.

9. It’s party time

Talking about parties, it’s always a nice idea to spring a surprise party for your dad on Father’s Day.

It takes a bit of planning, but it's well worth it in the end.

Contact as many family members and friends as you can, and organize them to come around for the special event.

It’s a great idea to send dad off on an errand that will keep him away from the house for a couple of hours, which gives you time to get the place ready.

Set up the barbecue in the back yard, and arrange for the guests to arrive early, so they are all there when dad returns and gets a big surprise.

10. Straight from the heart

There is probably nothing so touching to a dad than your thoughts about him written down.

A letter expressing what he means to you can create a bond that will last a lifetime. A few well-chosen words can say so much.

Dad’s often get taken for granted, so just let him know that he’s loved and not forgotten.

He’ll absolutely love being told how much you need him, and how lucky you feel to have him. Even if he doesn’t seem the sentimental type, it’s the sort of souvenir he will keep safe.

11. Snap happy

What better way to commemorate Father’s Day than with a portrait of the great man himself.

In the old days, the rich would commission someone to paint a picture, but nowadays it’s much easier and cheaper to get a photograph done.

Get a professional photographer to create a portrait of dad that everyone in the family can have.

You may want a studio shot, or something more candid with him at home or at work, you decide. It’s a memory that will last for years to come.

12. Dish of the day

Starting at breakfast, treat your dad to his favorite food all day long. He may be a pancake or a waffle for breakfast kind of guy, like burgers for lunch, and barbecue for dinner.

Work out a menu for the day, and present him with it at the breakfast table as if he’s in a five-star restaurant.

Keep the coffee on the go all day, so he has a fresh cup whenever he wants. You could incorporate dinner with a family to get together to make it even more special.

13. Hamper of fun

The rest of the family can have great fun creating a hamper of all the goodies you dad enjoys.

It doesn’t have to be food; it can be other things he enjoys (whiskey? bikes?). Look at it as a basket of presents from everybody in the family to mark the special day.

14. A scrapbook of life

There comes a time when the memory fades, and we can’t remember all the good times in our lives.

Why not create a scrapbook for dad with other members of the family to encapsulate some of those treasured memories.

You can include photographs, and jottings of your own memories of times spent with dad.

Get everyone in the family to contribute, and you will be amazed at how wonderful it will make your dad feel.