Secura Stainless Steel Electric Wine Bottle Opener

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re hosting a party, and you have all these wine bottles you need to open to get ready for your party? Using a traditional wine opener can be very tiring, especially if you have to use it on more than one bottle. Well, now there is something that can and will make your life ten times easier when it comes to those situations. Without further ado, we now introduce to you the Secura Stainless Steel Electric Wine Bottle Opener!

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Detailed information about Secura Stainless Steel Electric Wine Bottle Opener

This is the Electric Wine Bottle Opener that will revolutionize the way you open the wine from now on. It's a product that will make our lives easier. One of the really great features about this specific wine bottle opener is that it is completely cordless. All you need to do is simply charge the wine opener up just as if you were to charge your phone. The battery will last for opening up to 30 bottles on one charge. It is also very, very simple to use as all you have to do is push a button and the machine will do the magic. So, it can open up your wine by itself and pull the cork out, that’s nice, but what else can it do? Well, glad you asked because if you have ever bought a bottle of wine where you have a piece of foil covering it and just hate getting them off, now you don’t even need to take it off. That’s right, this wine bottle opener also acts like a foil cutter so it can cut straight through that pesky foil we all hate. Lastly, in our opinion, the coolest function this thing can do is that it actually acts as a thermometer too so that once you press the button to uncork your wine, it will automatically tell you how hot or cold your beverage is with a simple, easy-to-read, electronic display on the top.