Gifts for Toddlers
10 Things to Consider When Buying a Gift for Toddlers
1. Make sure it is safe for their age
You don’t want to accidentally gift a toddler something that they can’t use! Make sure whatever toddler toy or game you land on is age-appropriate so that you know they can enjoy the gift and also can play with it safely.
If there are small parts associated with it, make sure the parents know so they can be aware when playing with it (or better yet, go with a toy that doesn’t have small parts).
2. Consider their favorite movie or TV show character
You can’t go wrong with getting a toddler a toy that is their favorite character! This could be Elsa, Ariel, Woody, Nemo - you get the idea!
From costumes, so they can look just like them, to toys, stuffed animals, decorations, and more, this is always a great gift idea.
Just make sure you know who their favorite character is so you don’t accidentally end up with someone they don’t like!
3. Educational gifts are perfect
This is such an important time in a child’s life, and getting them toys that will help with their balance, coordination, speech, and more, is such a great thing to do.
This is setting the child up for a bright future, but for the child, it just feels like having fun! You can’t go wrong with that.
4. Be careful with clothing
Sure, clothing is great and there are some cute outfits out there, but little children are growing so quickly that you might end up with something that they can’t wear for long or something that they have already grown out of!
Only go for this gift if you know their exact size and know they can at least get some use out of it.
5. Consider something that will benefit his or her parents as well
What about a present that helps with potty training? Or books that they can read with their parents? It is great to include their parents or help them out with the gift, and trust us, they will definitely appreciate it!
You will still end up with an awesome gift the toddler will love, but the parents will also get in on the fun and have the chance to bond with their child or use the item to help with an important life skill - while still having the fun of course!
6. Ask before gifting technology
Technology is everywhere, even in present for toddlers. Newborns are practically born with iPhones in their hands!
Parents have strong opinions about technology and while many are fine with their child having some screen time, some parents are totally against it. Whether you agree or disagree, it is their decision to make for their child!
Make sure you know they are okay with their child using technology before getting any type of tech-focused item. If you aren’t sure, we recommend you go with something else.
7. Encourage activity
Anything that will encourage activity is great! Make sure you know what stage of walking they are at.
A younger toddler would benefit from something like a walker to help learn to walk, but older ones will love balls to throw and kick around!
No matter what you decide, it will only help them be healthier and more active, and you can’t go wrong with that.
8. Adopt a pet
This can be a great idea, but make sure you have permission from the parents if you aren’t the parents. A pet is not just a great addition to the family, but a great way to start teaching the child about responsibility.
Make sure everyone in the family is on board with the plan in advance and that they are willing to teach the child how to take care of the pet.
If you don’t want a big commitment with a dog or cat, for example, consider getting something like a fish that is a bit lower maintenance but still a great learning tool and addition to the family!
9. Musical gifts are great
Music is so great at helping with brain development and encouraging creativity! Any type of music gift is great to help get them thinking about music and starting to play an instrument.
It is never too early to start teaching them and for them to figure out what they like!
10. Get creative
Similar to a musical gift, any gift for toddlers that encourages creativity is perfect to get for a younger child!
Art sets make for great gifts for toddlers, just make sure you or the toddler’s parents have a safe space to set it up so they can play and get messy without ruining the house!