Gifts for Managers

Managers can either make your working life far better or far worse - you know that to be true! A great manager keeps the business running smoothly and helps ensure all employees are working well and getting along well. It makes the workday go by so much smoother! Great managers deserve tons of recognition for the work that they do - it is definitely not easy. Are you in search of the perfect gift for your manager? Maybe it is their birthday or the holidays and you want to get them something nice. A great gift is one of many ways you can thank your manager for his or her hard work. Not sure what the right, appropriate gift is? That is completely understandable, but it’s no problem! Our gift guide is filled with gifts that are perfectly appropriate to give to your manager. Check it out now!

10 Things to Consider When Browsing a Gift for a Manager

Searching for the perfect gift for your manager? Make sure you keep these 10 things in mind while you shop to be sure you’ll end up with the perfect thing!

1. Consider your relationship level

Base your gift on how well you know your manager! If you just started a new job and aren’t very close to him or her yet, don’t feel like you need to get them a super personal gift. It is okay to go with something more generic, and in fact, that is probably the most appropriate thing to do.

If you are close to your manager and also consider them a friend, you can go for a more personal gift because you have established that relationship. You don’t want the gift to come across like you are ‘trying too hard’ or are trying to bribe your manager.

2. Don’t spend too much money

While a specific budget is for you to decide, you don’t want to buy a really expensive gift, as that is another easy way to come across wrong by accident. Even if your heart is in the right place, it can come across as inappropriate. You can still easily find a meaningful gift without having to break the bank.

3. Be careful with alcohol

If your manager plans happy hours for your team, it is probably a safe bet that you can get them a bottle of wine as a gift and it would be okay. Otherwise, if you haven’t seen them drink, and drinking doesn’t happen at work parties, we recommend staying away from alcohol altogether.

4. Go personalized and practical

A great gift for your manager is to get them a personalized notepad or similar item that they can use at work! Adding their name gives it a nice touch, and you know it is something they will put to good use. Whether they write notes to themselves to stay organized, or if they leave notes for people on your team, it is a great gift that they will enjoy using.

5. Help them network

Your manager likely has business cards made up that they carry around to various event s- why not upgrade the cardholder that they have? Or better yet - get them a cardholder if they don’t have one!

This is a great way to look even more professional and can actually make a big difference. It also makes it so much easier to pull out a business card when someone asks for one. It’s the perfect gift!

6. Food is always good

You really can’t go wrong with food as a gift, and it is typically a very safe gift idea. Just make sure you are aware of any dietary restrictions or preferences! A nice gift basket filled with meats and cheeses, for example, would likely not be the best idea to get for your manager if he or she is vegan!

7. Stress relief

Your manager works hard and is probably pretty stressed a lot of the time! Help him or her relax by getting a nice stress relief gift they can use while at their desk.

From a stress ball to squeeze, to a desktop zen garden, to even a nice candle they can light in their office. This can be just the thing to help during those seriously stressful moments.

8. Get organized

Is your manager a bit of a mess? While you don’t want to say that directly to their face - you can help them get things together by getting them a gift that will help them organize their desk! From a pen organizer to a filing system, to paperclips, there are a lot of options ranging from bigger items to really small ones.

They can all really make a difference! No more stressed mornings trying to find the right report to hand off- that is the best gift of all!

9. Remember things they have mentioned

Did your manager happen to mention they loved your phone case or a certain shirt you’ve worn to work? Maybe they liked your shoes or a certain plant you keep at your desk.

That’s just the hint you need- get them either the same exact thing or something similar. You know they will like it, and they will also appreciate that you remembered something that they said!

10. Include a card

Finally, whatever gift you decide on, make sure you include a handwritten card with it! You don’t have to write paragraphs, but even a few lines thanking them for all the work they do can make a big difference.

Don’t have your gift come across as cold, or as something you put together last minute. Put in a little effort and it can seriously pay off! Your manager will really appreciate that you took the time to write something out. That is never a bad thing!

Want to surprise your manager with a gift? Check out our list!

Some days you just don’t want to go to work, we have all been there before! We all know we need to go to work, but some days it is just harder than others. If you have a great manager, they can help motivate you and ensure you wake up excited to go to work! Does that sound like your manager?

From running things smoothly at work to planning team-building activities, there is a lot that a great manager will handle to ensure their team works well together. Work needs to be done and done well, but morale needs to stay high as well! Managers should be well trained at keeping their workers happy, and for those who really do a great job, they deserve a lot of recognition!

There are sure to also be difficult times at work, and a manager can play a big role in sorting out issues as well. Maybe there is a conflict between two coworkers or a big work project that is stressing out your team. No matter the situation, a good manager will help push the team forward towards a positive end result.

Managers do a lot! Are you thankful for your manager? Perhaps they have helped inspire you to work harder to become a manager yourself. Maybe you have developed a great friendship with them and want to thank them for helping you through a difficult personal issue. No matter the reason, if you want to get a gift for your manager, you want to make sure it is the right gift.

How to find an appropriate gift

Buying gifts for people at work can always be a little bit tricky. You don’t want to cross a line and come off as inappropriate, but you still want to get something thoughtful that the person will actually like! If you are struggling to find that balance, you have come to the right place. Our gift guide was created for this very reason and is filled with items that are perfect to give as gifts to a manager.

Because you work underneath them, you don’t want to come across as ‘sucking up’ or trying to buy your way towards a better position. Instead, it is all about appreciation and thanking them for their hard work! We are here to help you select the perfect thing.

A Gift Selection in Every Price Range

If your work life has been made a lot better lately, there is a good chance it is because of your manager. If they have helped make the day go by quicker, helped you improve at your job, and plan great activities outside of work, the least you can do is thank them with a thoughtful gift. Check out our gift guide and see what you find. No matter what your budget is, you can find a meaningful, appropriate gift to give to your manager.

Whether there is a birthday, holiday, or other special occasion coming up, if you are shopping for a gift for your manager, you have come to the right place! Start shopping today to ensure you find the perfect gift in plenty of time.

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