Gift Exchange Ideas
10 Things to Consider When Buying a Gift for a Gift Exchange
Have a White Elephant or Dirty Santa event coming up? Keep these 10 things in mind while you shop to be sure you end up with the perfect gift exchange item!
1. Stick to the budget
This is the most important rule when it comes to gift exchanges! If the budget is $15, stick to 15 or less.
While you might think you are just being nice by spending more, it could make the gift recipient feel bad, as well as everyone else.
Budgets are put in place for a reason, so be sure to stick to them!
2. Keep things general
You don’t want to get too specific with an exchange item, instead, try to keep things more general so that you can be sure the person you are shopping for will like it.
You might love a certain movie or book (for example) but unless you are sure the person you are shopping for does as well, you might accidentally end up with a gift they won’t enjoy!
3. Be aware of any dietary restrictions
Food is always a great idea, but make sure in advance you are aware of any dietary restrictions. If you don’t know who you are shopping for it is probably best to avoid such an item altogether.
If you do know, make sure you ask around and make sure before providing them with some food they may not be able to enjoy!
4. Go for the laugh
Who doesn’t enjoy having a good laugh? A humorous gift is always an excellent idea when thinking of a gift exchange idea. Everyone loves it, so no matter who you are shopping for, you are safe with this theme!
5. Go with something useful
A useful pick is always perfect, and something that the person will actually be able to use instead of just throwing in a closet or drawer.
From something in the car to at the office, to in the kitchen, there are so many options to choose from!
6. Consider a game
Depending on your budget you could get someone a game. Everyone loves playing games, and this way it is a gift that they can enjoy with friends and family as well!
Everyone wins!
7. Get a gift associated with the dorm/office/neighborhood
Is it an office gift exchange? Get something useful for the office. Dorm exchange? Something to use in the dorms.
Whoever is hosting the exchange event is a great gift theme, and that way you know you will end up with something that the person will use.
8. Be careful with alcohol-related gifts
Similar to dietary restrictions, make sure if you are considering an alcohol-related gift that it is appropriate and will be enjoyed.
If someone in your group is underage, or if it is an office party, it is probably best to avoid this altogether just to play it safe.
9. Tech accessories are great
Let's face it, everyone has a smartphone, so you know that’s a safe bet when it comes to getting a gift! Believe it or not, there are plenty of accessories for smartphones that are affordable, and they make for great gift exchange ideas!
From phone holders to portable chargers, or even a new phone case, there is a lot of useful ideas out there to choose from.
10. Consider giving back
Finally, a unique twist on the gift exchange is to make a charitable donation in the person’s name you are shopping for!
This is a great way to give back to the community and ensure that your exchange item and money isn’t going to waste.