Have someone in your life who loves to bake or savor scrumptious baked treats? Maybe it’s the sweet smell that excites them the most or it’s the whipping part they find more interesting or seeing the final product – whatever the reason, there’s something about baking that makes it so fun and relaxing.
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Well, who doesn’t like the smell of freshly baked cookies right out of the oven, or just a mere glance of a perfectly baked cake is enough to send your taste buds out on a spin.
Great creativity is yet another important element that makes baking so much fun. So get as much creative as you can with your baked treats with the Wilton Dessert Decorator Plus!
Draw on the cookies you just baked or decorate a cupcake your way, write names of the people you love, make colorful icing, add a personal touch to the cakes, just anything to make your baked treats more attractive and unique.
Say your message out loud with another layer of the cake and let your imagination do all the baking.
After all, who doesn’t love glossy cakes, muffins, cookies, breads and other baked treats! This is a wonderful decorating tool to make even the plain, simple desserts stand out.
Add a striking touch to your favorite baked treats to create elegant shells, rosettes, stars, and leaves in a matter of seconds. With limitless options and a convenient desert decorating tool, you’ll never stop bragging about your creativity!