Teach. Love. Inspire Pendant Gift Envelope

Appreciate all your favorite teachers who made you the person you are, with this whimsical pendant gift envelope! It is a truly functional and thoughtful gift for all the teachers that you admire. Every day they teach you important lessons and that’s why they deserve something nice in return.

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Detailed information about Teach. Love. Inspire Pendant Gift Envelope

Teachers are selfless creatures who put their students first and they don’t expect much in return. Your success and well being is everything for them and there’s almost nothing they wouldn’t do for you to make you a better person. A teacher is more than just a mentor; a teacher cares like a mother, teaches like a father, and shares like a friend. For someone who dedicated his or her entire life to make yours better, what better way to thank them than by a small gift that says more than you can possibly say.