Gift Ideas For Students

From as young as kindergartners to full-grown university-goers, students range in a variety of ways, e.g. age, background, educational level, to the point that they contribute to a diverse, but interesting melting pot of individuals in the field of education. For twelve years or more, students work hard to gain knowledge, establish friendships, and everything in between: it’s after they walk across that graduation stage that they’re rewarded for all of their achievements in their young lives. That said, whether you choose to give them a graduation gift, or one for birthdays or Christmas, they’ll be sure to appreciate it. Our gift ideas for students will help you get started.

10 Things to Consider When Looking for a Gift for Students

So it's that time of the year again, with a fresh set of eyes just looking to take their first step as fully-fledged students. Whether you're sad to let them go or find yourself relieved, it's natural to want to ply the college-bound students with gifts. Gift ideas for students can be hard to think of, that’s why we’ve created our student gifts department to save you the stress!

We took all the questioning out of the thoughtful gift-giving for you and put together an amazing list of all the interesting stuff you can get for students. But first, you have to consider a few things before buying gifts for students.

1. Why are you giving this gift?

The very first question to ask is why you are giving the gift in the first place. We give gifts for lots of reasons. Are you buying the gift because you feel obligated, or because you genuinely want to do something nice for them? Remember, gifts can be given for a number of reasons and obligation is not one of them. To your knowledge, students are the easiest folks to buy for.

2. Can you afford it?

Set your budget for the gift and stick to it and gift-giving on any occasion will become less stressful. You don’t want to look cheap, but you can’t afford to blow your budget. The last thing you want to do is to put yourself in debt to buy a gift. Avoid going too far over your budget because it restricts your options. Remember, it’s the thoughts that count.

3. Do they have it already?

Students usually buy everything they want on their own. They don’t ask for anything and they say they don’t need anything, but you still want to get them something to show your love, respect, or appreciation. Before you make a purchase, check with their close circles to see if they have it already. This way, you can save yourself from a great deal of embarrassment.

4. Buy an age-appropriate gift

It can be tempting to get the student something they'll grow into or grow into liking down the track before their time, but keeping it age-appropriate is a safer bet. Plus, it guarantees they will like the gift you got them rather than simply tossing it aside and forgetting about it. For example, a gift for a freshman may not well be appreciated by a sophomore student.

5. Should you ask them what they want?

It’s a common tendency to ask the recipient what he or she wants. Of course, this is an easy option, but it also shows that you haven't taken the time to think about them. You may well be taking a chance when buying a gift. You cannot be sure whether he or she will like it, but you can hope for the best. Well, it’s always best to stick to safe options. Students can be quite frank when it comes to gifts and they will probably tell you exactly what they want.

6. Is the gift really useful?

Remember, you're buying a gift for a student. A college student gift doesn’t have to be complicated, whether it’s for Christmas, birthday, or a special occasion. It just needs to be relevant and thoughtful. The key to selecting a gift for college-going students is to pick something that they wouldn’t normally buy for themselves or something that fits their needs. College can be a hectic time which is why useful gifts for college students make for thoughtful gifts.

7. Make a list of the things they want

Make a list of all the things they like or want. Discreetly, go through their online wish lists. Students tend to make a bucket list of things they’ve been stalking for a long time or wish to get this holiday season. Be it a Kindle, or the new iPhone 7, a coffee maker, a Bluetooth speaker, a fitness tracker, or a sandwich maker – there’s a ton of things every student wishes for. There are tons of products out there to help them run their lives more efficiently.

8. Simple is always best

Students love simple things. At the risk of sounding cliché, when it comes to holiday gift-giving, it truly is the thought that counts. Buying on credit, or spending money that isn't really yours completely misses the point of the whole gift-giving thing. Not only does this philosophy set realistic expectations, but it also allows for more thought and meaning to go into each gift. Bear in mind students can be more drawn to the pretty little things you bought them, so simplicity is a must. Simple, personalized gifts are always a great option, as they eliminate the worry of finding the perfect item and they have a personal and sentimental touch.

9. Think outside the box

Not everything has to have a special or well-thought-out meaning, sometimes gifts can just be fun and that's OK. It’s easy to go to a store and pick out yet another funky t-shirt or a stainless steel water bottle and call it a day. But you can do better than that. Think outside the box. Don’t just give a Kindle. Give your crazy liberal pal a Kindle hidden inside his or her favorite author’s autobiography. Know someone that listens to music all the time? Give the music lover a nice pair of noise-canceling earbuds from the brand of their liking. Sometimes it's the little things that make people happy.

10. Make it personal

Shopping for gifts can be fun, but you must exercise some responsibility and wisdom as you make your choices and spend your money. Chances are that student has everything he or she needs. We don’t believe it, but that’s OK. Find something he or she is passionate about and then include a little bit of yourself to make it more personal.

One of a Kind Gift Ideas for Students

Is there a special student in your life? Maybe your child, your sibling, a close friend, or your grandchild. Shopping for students can be stressful. Where do you begin? We can help you find the perfect gift for the busy student in your life.

Is this student currently away at college, or still at home in school? Depending on their situation, you can find the perfect gift that they are sure to love, or find incredibly useful! From gifts they can put to good use in a dorm room, to fun care packages that will make them feel special, and everything in between, we cover it all in our gift guides for students.

Make a Student Feel Special for the Hard Work Done

Being a student is a stressful time in life, and things can get incredibly chaotic. Between classes and working, and figuring out what to do with life, it isn’t always easy! Sometimes the only thing you can do to make a student feel calm is get them a unique gift that will make them feel appreciated. Whether it is their birthday, or just a random time when you are thinking about them, the time is always right to send a gift to that special person in your life.

We have a wide range of options for original gifts for students, because each student is unique! Maybe they are interested in science, or journalism, or art, or technology. We keep all of that, and more, in mind when creating our list of gifts. No matter who your student is, what their interests are, and what their age is, there is something to be found that will be perfect.

With the knowledge you have of this student, you can easily look through our list of gift ideas and find the perfect item that will make any long week at college better, or make them feel appreciated on their birthday or other special days. Or, for the younger students in your life, we’ve got fun and unique ideas that will make them happy as well! No matter who you need to shop for, we have got ideas in mind to help you out.

Classroom Gift Ideas for Students

If you’ve ever wanted to get some gifts for students, you know how much of a challenge that can be.

Instead of buying individual gifts, what makes the most sense is to get a classroom gift! This could be one big item or set, or individual gifts that are the same for each child. That way, no one feels left out and is treated exactly the same. You’ve either got some great gifts to hand out, or a great new game or idea to add to your classroom that your students will enjoy all year long!

Are you on the hunt for some great classroom gift ideas? Here are some great ideas to get you thinking!


Bookmarks are a great gift to give your students! Best of all, these are very inexpensive, even if you have a really large class. If you wanted to, you could even DIY it and make your own.

There are endless options when it comes to bookmarks as well, so you can really get whatever you think your class will love! Whether that is cute pictures of puppies, fun emojis, or silly jokes, whatever you want, you can get in the form of a bookmark!

Not only are bookmarks a great gift idea, but they are also practical and can be used both in the classroom and at home.

2. Sweet Treats

What kid doesn’t want something sweet to eat? This is always a slam dunk of a gift no matter what time of year it is. Holidays? Go for snowman desserts. Valentine’s Day? Heart-shaped treats! End of the school year? Cookies in the shape of the sun?! You’ve got so many options!

This is another idea that you can either purchase for not a lot of money, or can decide to take on yourself. If you love to bake, this gives you the perfect opportunity to get creative! If you don’t have the time or it just isn’t your thing, a quick trip to the grocery store will give you everything you need.

3. Board Games

If you want to get a true classroom gift, why not invest in some board games? Consider getting a few games that focus on various skills you are trying to teach. There are math games out there, science games, language games, even games to help with social skills!

4. Personalized Ornaments

If you want to make a child feel special, all you need to do is put their name on something! Seriously, it makes them feel totally special, and it isn’t that hard to do! You can personalize anything these days, but we love the idea of getting students personalized ornaments. Do you decorate a tree in December? All of your students can place their personalized ornament on the tree, and then when winter break comes, they can take it home to their parents!

This is a great gift idea, and you can easily purchase ornaments in bulk for not a lot of money.

5. Books

You can typically get books for kids for pretty cheap, especially if you buy them in bulk! Each student will love having a new book they can read in class, or take home and read with their parents!

You can pick a fun topic that any student is sure to love, which will help encourage them to want to read the book over and over!

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