The Greatest Showman Hugh Jackman

Have you or any of your friends and family seen the movie, The Greatest Showman? We bet that after you left the showing, the music and songs just got stuck in their memory for days and days afterwards. That is what always happens with great music, great songs and great actors. If this has happened to anyone you know why not buy them the CD of the soundtrack for Christmas. You know they will love it. And as if this wasn’t all, at the time of writing this review, the sellers are including a free MP3 version so it can be listened to on a portable device as well. What more can you ask?

For those of you who don’t know what we are talking about, the Greatest Showman is a relatively new musical that celebrates the start of the razzmatazz of good ol’ fashioned show business. It uses a fictionalized version of the life, ambition, imagination and inspiration of PT Barnum.

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Detailed information about The Greatest Showman Hugh Jackman

The film stars Hugh Jackman as PT Barnum and if you just thought that Mr. Jackman was a brilliant actor who could only play Wolverine in the XMen, you must hear him sing. He has a superb singing voice that anyone would love to hear over and over again.

As you would expect with a movie of this caliber, the customer reviews of the music CD seem to be all very favorable and quite rightly so, for Mr. Jackman and the rest of the cast really provide a show that would rival PT Barnum himself in its glitzy showbiz glamour.


This is a music CD of one of the greatest musical movies of the modern era, sung by some of the greatest actors

The recipient of this gift will be sure to love it and play the music endlessly

Fantastic music that is available in other formats as well

