Buying Jewelry for a Man? This is How to Get it Right!

In some cases, buying the perfect piece of jewelry for a man can be as easy as walking into a jeweler and asking their advice, however, this isn’t the best way to pick the perfect pieces for that special someone in your life. When it comes to buying men’s jewelry, there are a couple of important things to remember. First, you’re going to need to choose a piece that he will love for years to come, and second, it has to be trendy and classic enough for them to wear every day.
Below are some great tips and tricks to use to your advantage when you’re trying to figure out how to buy jewelry for a man and how you can get it right the first time around.
Tip 1: Create a List of Basic Characteristics
The first thing you’re going to need to do is make a list of the basic things you’re going to be looking for in the jewelry you want to get him. Not only will this make it much easier to find the perfect thing, but in the event that you turn to a jeweler for help, you can point them in the right direction instead of being immediately brought to the most expensive items in the store.
Some simple characteristics to consider, include:
Color: Do you want stones in the jewelry, if so, what color?
Metal: Are you searching for something that is stainless steel, gold, silver, tungsten, etc.?
Jewelry Size: Are you in the market for a thin chain, or perhaps large cufflinks? Picking the size of the jewelry will certainly help to narrow down your choices.
Price: As one of the first things you’ve probably thought of, you’re going to want to choose a price point that you’re comfortable with. This will help you to stand your ground when you come face-to-face with a jeweler and you’ll be able to stop yourself from spending way over your budget.
Tip 2: Remember KISS
As a saying that we all learned when we were children, when it comes to buying men’s jewelry there’s a slight change in the “Keep it simple, stupid” anagram, and that is, “Keep it simple and subtle”. The majority of men aren’t going to be interested in trying to find an ostentatious piece that is going to set off alarms in the airport or cause people to notice that he has a giant diamond around his neck. The art to buying jewelry for men is to find subtle, classic, and appealing pieces that they will feel comfortable wearing.
With that being said, this is all based on the average man, because if you know the person you’re shopping for is interested in big and extrinsic pieces that make people go, “Wow!” then you’ll find that picking the right items will be much simpler than you originally thought.
Tip 3: Traditional Never Hurts
There are a few specific pieces that everyone knows will suit a man, regardless of who he is, and they are watches, cufflinks, tie pins, and money clips. If you’re truly at a loss for what to get that special person in your life, there’s nothing more luxurious than getting them a phenomenal watch that focuses on quality more than quantity. It’s a great piece that can be worn for formal and social engagements, not to mention it’s the perfect accessory to pair with his business attire.
Another great advantage to sticking with traditional items such as cufflinks, tie clips, and money clips is that they don’t need to get sized, which means you won’t need to know the width of the person’s wrist or finger in order to pick the right item. In all honesty, they’re something that you can easily choose, have packaged up, and give as a gift that they’ll never have to worry about getting adjusted or altered in any way.
Tip 4: Take a Look at Trends
If you know the person you’re buying for is particularly trendy and follows different celebrities on social media, you can always get great style clues from their fashion idols. There are plenty of pieces in today’s day and age that are considered trendy but are certainly phenomenal items to have at your disposal, such as Cartier bracelets.
The best thing with trends is that once they start to get popular, finding the specific jewelry pieces will become more and more easy, as long as they’re not specialty designer items that are only available from a single location. A great example of a trendy jewelry concept would be black diamonds, as they were all the rage about 5 years ago.
Today, you’re looking more towards natural metals such as gold that fit seamlessly with casual and formal clothing. Men aren’t too interested in having to take their earrings out, remove their necklaces, or take bracelets off at the end of the day and then have to do it all over again in the morning. The perfect pieces of jewelry will go with every article of clothing they own.
Tip 5: Trust Your Gut
Above all else, just believe in yourself because if you’re in a position to where you’re buying jewelry for a man, you undoubtedly know them very well. There’s no need to search for the top ten men’s jewelry trends when you already know in your heart what they’d love to receive as a gift. From pocket watches to earrings, there are plenty of different jewelry items that you can choose from that will accentuate his personal style.
At the end of the day, if you sincerely are at a loss for what to get him, rely on the opinion of a jeweler you can trust. They will help you by showing you all of the trendiest pieces that they have in stock, within your price range, and that are designed to last over the years, even with regular wear. Try asking your friends and family members if they know of any jewelers that they have used in the past that were honest, helpful, and fashionable.
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