Winter Skin Saving Tips: Things From The Kitchen That Work Wonders For Your Skin

It isn’t cheap to buy face treatments, masks, and oils that work wonders on your skin. Considering how much exfoliators cost in stores, advertisements on subways, and on shelves in beauty salons, you may well think that keeping a good skin regimen is hard on your dime- and eats up your time to shop through all of the brands and options.

In the winter, the air is dry and our skin suffers! If you’re about the cheap, natural skin products that are out there, consider looking even more local- in your own kitchen! So many cooking supplies and foods we use and eat everyday have the nutrients, vitamins, and youth-inducing effects that can transform dry, wrinkled, damaged skin.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about reducing wrinkles and maintaining younger, healthier-looking skin?


For those of you who are new to the science behind out skin, collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It is found in your skin cells, blood vessels, teeth, gut, bones, and muscles!

Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin elastic and replacing dead skin cells. However, as we age and our skin gets worn, collagen production decreased from the inside-out, and that is when wrinkles start setting in and we may experience weaker bones and joint pain.

The skin care product market thrives off of people who seek out products in their local stores to increase the production of collagen in their skin. Their regular customers are winter shoppers and people in older age.

Fortunately, your kitchen and groceries are full of the minerals, vitamins, and foods that can boost collagen production from the inside-out versus products from stores that boost collagen production from the outside-in.

Combine any pair of exfoliators and moisturizers to transform your winter coat into a glorious, glowing layer of skin! Brighten up your face during this winter solstice and work with the moon as it transitions into shorter nights and longer days come New Year’s! Your skin will glow and look more youthful as the cells shed more quickly as the hard-working collagen replaces those dry, dead skin cells at the surface.



Eggs – eggs are naturally rich in amino acids, which are essential for the formation of collagen. If you have naturally oily skin, remove the yolk and just use egg whites. This will save you dollars and might let you cook a nice yolk for breakfast! If you have naturally dry skin, or are suffering from winter dryness in the air, mash up the yolk with the egg white in a bowl and add your favorite exfoliator-maybe lemon, apple cider vinegar, or mango!


Coconut Oil – coconut oil can serve as a gentle, healing moisturizer for your face during the rigid, winter months. Coconut oil smells amazing, first of all, and also helps fight free radicals and nourishes the skin. You don’t need much coconut oil to get the moisturizing, brightening effect that it will bring to your skin’s surface. Coconut oil also lifts one’s mood and can bring peace and happiness to the mind because it is loaded with good fats and energy, as it is able to fight microbes in the body- and is excellent for cooking.

Chamomile and Green Teas – teas are loaded with nourishing compounds that can make a great addition to your skincare and health management. Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory and a moisturizer to heal and cleanse dry skin, leaving it fresh and youthful-looking. Green tea is good for both the mind and the body. Green tea reactivates and restores dying cells and eliminates free radicals. Teas can help relieve wrinkles, rosacea, and psorias. Because tea is warm and soothing on the body, any tea works well with exfoliators that might irritate or burn the skin if applied solo on the surface.

green tea


Brown Sugar – brown sugar might not be the best to incorporate daily into your diet, but it can serve as a great addition to your weekly face mask routine! Brown sugar is a low-maintenance, cheap exfoliator that will give rise to the gunk and bad bacteria that lays deep in your skin. Brown sugar is known as a natural hubricant because it absorbs the moisture in its natural environment and works it into your skin from the outside-in. Not only is this a cheap, home product that comes in bountiful quantities, but it smells amazing in the bathroom!

Mango – mangoes are rich in Vitamin C, and work well with amino acid-rich foods, like eggs or oils, in order to boost collagen production. Gynecology bekaroten and vitamin A in mangoes are good nutrients that work to repair skin cells and brighten dull skin when applied to your skin surface.


Lemon – lemon is a great lubricant for the face and works to exfoliate the skins as the vitamin C, magnesium, and copper work to penetrate deep into your pores and clear out any of that winter-muck. Lemons fight irritation or build-up caused by free radicals. In so many ways, lemons are mini face-ninjas.

Apple Cider Vinegars – If you’re going to use anything from your kitchen in plenty on your skin, I highly recommend trying apple cider vinegar! If you’re skin isn’t too sensitive and you want a one and done natural home product, well, this is it. Dating back to the Roman era, vinegar has served as a fashion statement for women to brighten their skin and was also was used as a toilette, if you can believe it or not! Vinegar has a tonic action that encourages blood circulation in the skin capillaries that dampen the skin. It is also antiseptic, preventing the build-up of gunk like bacteria, viruses, or yeast that can cause infection or irritate the skin. Lastly, vinegar regulates the pH balance of the skin, which is why when you take it off, your skin might appear a bit red, but radiant!

apple cider vinegar

Just as a fun-fact, many celebrities swear by apple cider vinegar doses for the face! Scarlett Johansson applies apple cider vinegar to her face once a week to keep it well-moisturized, radiant, and smooth.

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