What Plants to Gift? Here is Our List for You to Choose From!

Plants are a beautiful gift to receive, no matter if you’re moving into a new home or if you’re celebrating a milestone in your life. They symbolize growth, rebirth, and natural beauty, everything that you need in your life. However, as someone who is responsible for giving the gift, it can be tough to know what plants are the best choice for certain people. Ideally, you’re going to want to choose different species that are easy to take care of but beautiful to have on display. We’ve created a list of the best plants to give as gifts for any occasion.
1. Orchids
As one of the most common gifts for anniversaries, home warming, and more, orchids are an amazing choice as a gift for someone who has always been interested in owning a flowering plant. Orchids have extremely unique foliage and the come in an assortment of colors that are sure to impress, which also gives you plenty of options in terms of finding the perfect color to match the aesthetic of the recipient.
Known as one of the best indoor plants that you can get your hands on, they’re also incredibly easy to take care of as they only have to be watered once a week and can be placed nearly anywhere in the home, they do especially well on windowsills. Also, it’s important to note that they typically come in decorative packaging, which means you likely won’t have to wrap the present if you’re giving it to someone else.
Orchids also have a unique trick that they do throughout the seasons as the plant goes into a type of hibernation where the flowerheads will fall off, however, it’s simply dormant until it begins flowering again, which makes it the gift that keeps on giving.
2. Lavender
If you know someone who has an affinity for houseplants that have a brilliant aroma, lavender is one of the most popular to choose from. Also known for its therapeutic benefits, not only will the receiver appreciate the overall gift, they’re sure to use it to their advantage in baths, for better sleep, and as a relaxing smell to enjoy right before bedtime.
There are plenty of different ways that you can give lavender as a gift, which makes it even more fun when preparing it for a loved one. You can either gift the basic seeds that can be grown from scratch, in a secured pot, or even in a basket. There are plenty of great arrangements for lavender, however, it’s a plant that does require a little bit of love and care. Lavender needs to be watered frequently in order to stay healthy and fragrant, so if you know the recipient isn’t someone who is able to take care of plants, this might not be the ideal option for them.
3. Bamboo
Modernism is a fantastic way to breathe new life into a room and with bamboo, the aesthetic is unmatched by other plants on the market. Above all else, there are plenty of different bamboo species, helping you to find the perfect design for the person you have in mind, as you can choose from straight, curly, or even ornately grown bamboo. What makes bamboo one of the best plants that you can give as a gift is their symbolism, as they typically represent peace, prosperity, love, and luck in the area where they are housed.
You’ll also appreciate how sturdy the plant is, which is why they can easily be delivered via courier without the risk of losing any foliage or arriving half alive. In comparison to lavender, bamboo is quite easy to take care of, which makes them the ideal gift for a loved one who doesn’t have a green thumb. All they need is a lot of sunlight and water, which makes them the ideal partner for bathrooms.
4. Herbs
Who doesn’t love the idea of being able to cook with herbs that are grown on your own property? Not only that but growing your own herbs can help to lower grocery bills and you’ll no longer have to rely on dried seasonings for a wide variety of meals. Herbs are a fantastic gift to give someone who enjoys spending their time in the kitchen, and you can typically find an assortment of varieties that can easily be put together in a basket. Similar to orchids, herbs are truly a gift that keeps on giving.
There are plenty of herbs that are very robust, meaning you won’t need to have a high skill level to keep them alive, however, they’re going to need a sufficient amount of drainage to keep them healthy and fresh. Aside from their practical uses in delicious meals, herbs also give off a beautiful aroma that will make everyone hungry as soon as they smell them, which only adds to their popularity.
5. Prayer Plants
As one of the more unique species of plant that you can give as a gift, prayer plants are very fascinating as they have specific movements throughout the day and night. When it’s light outside, the leaves will lay out flat but as soon as the sun sets, the leaves stand straight up, which is where their name comes from. Prayer plants give the recipient plenty of options in terms of how they want to display them, as they can be put in traditional pots or they can even hang inside.
Additionally, their foliage is large and bushy, which makes them the perfect option for filling in an empty space in the home. To ensure that you keep your prayer plant healthy, you need sufficient drainage, indirect sunlight, and you’ll need to make sure that the soil is kept moist.
Final Thoughts
No matter if a friend or family member is celebrating a big milestone or if you just want to let someone know that you’re thinking of them, there are plenty of great plants that you can give as a gift. There are even plants in the world that are fantastic for people who aren’t particularly skilled in keeping plants alive and with the help of this list, you’ll be able to give the perfect fresh and vibrant gift possible.
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