Personalized Baby Block by Glitzby
With this personalized baby block gift by Glitzby now people can mark a child’s special occasion in a unique and adorable way. It is a gift that will last for ages. This can be kept as a souvenir for all next generations that are to come. It can also be used for future occasions because it is a personal item that can be shared around the family. The personalized baby block is an adorable gift and it is a perfect present for a child who is about to get baptized.
Detailed information about Personalized Baby Block by Glitzby
This block can be personalized by including all the information about the child on it. The name, the date of the baptism, the church, the name of the priest and a special message that the baby will able to read in the future. All in one place! The baby's baptism and their first Christmas nitty-gritty will be laser engraved on the wooden block. Also, this gift now includes an add-on option for a picture frame holder.