Need Wedding Dates? The Best Dates to get Married and the Ones to Avoid!

One of the first big decisions that you have to make when you get engaged is your wedding date. Before you can get serious about planning venues, dresses, colors, flowers, or food you need to ask yourself: how much in advance you need wedding dates?

You might not think that picking the date is a big deal, but it really is. After all, the one thing that will remain year after year isn’t any of the wedding details, but the date. This will always be your anniversary, and for that reason, you really want to put some thought into it.

A lot of couples pick a date that they think is perfect for their wedding without realizing that it will be their anniversary every year. Once you keep that in mind, you start to realize that certain dates may not be so great after all.

So, are you starting to think about what the perfect date will be for you? Need wedding dates asap? Here are some great dates to consider, as well as some of the biggest ones to avoid!

To Consider:

1. Repeat number dates

After all, this date will be printed on all of your invites, and it looks so pretty when some of the numbers match! If you are looking ahead to 2020, here are some weekend options to consider:

Friday, March 20th (3/20/20)

Saturday, June 20th (6/20/20)

Sunday, September 20th (9/20/20)

Friday, November 20th (11/20/20)

Sunday, December 20th (12/20/20)

2. On a Thursday

If you are looking to save money, a great way to do so right from the beginning is to pick a date that falls during the week. While it used to be majorly frowned upon to not have a wedding on a Saturday, things have gotten a lot more relaxed recently, and plenty of couples are picking a less traditional day to have their wedding. Friday and Sunday are also good options if you want your wedding on a weekend but want to save some money.

This is a great choice to make because going forward with your anniversary, it isn’t going to matter what day of the week it falls on, so why worry about that now? People who are supportive of you will make the effort to come whether your wedding is on a Saturday evening, or a Thursday afternoon, or any other time!

3. A meaningful date

A great idea when picking your wedding date is to select a date that already has a lot of meaning to you as a couple. This could be your existing anniversary from when you started dating, the day you first kissed, or the day you first said I love you, just to name a few ideas!

Picking a date that already has meaning is a great idea because it is already setting such a positive foundation for the day and makes the day even more special. Going forward, you will always have your anniversary on a day that has been so special to you over the years, and that is a really wonderful thing that you will remember and appreciate for years to come.

4. June, September, October

This isn’t a specific date, but rather a selection of dates to consider. These months are the most popular to get married because they typically have the best weather. If you want a summer wedding, consider early summer so that temperatures haven’t gotten too hot.

If you prefer fall, September and October still typically have great weather, and as the leaves begin to change, it makes for a gorgeous backdrop for your special day.

In terms of your anniversary, think about your schedules and if any of these months lend themselves more towards taking an anniversary trip. Do you prefer summer vacations? Go with June!

If you like avoiding the heat, consider a fall date. If you are a teacher and have your summers off, June may be the perfect time so that you know you can take an anniversary trip without having to schedule time off work.

To Avoid:

1. Existing events

For most people, you want your anniversary to be your own special day. For that reason, make sure you don’t select a day that happens to already be someone’s birthday, for example.

Also check with specific events happening in the year you are getting married to make sure another family member hasn’t already planned a family reunion or other gathering during that time.

2. Holidays

Yes, there are a lot of romantic movies out there that make it look so special to get married on Christmas Day, New Year’s, or Valentine’s Day. However, before you make that decision, you want to make sure you really understand what that means. There are a few main points to keep in mind before selecting a holiday wedding date:

→ Cost: Because you are choosing a holiday, everything from venues, to hotel rooms, to flowers is likely going to cost more. This may or may not be an issue for you, but if you are trying to stick to a strict budget, you’ll probably want to go with another date.

→ Guests: Keep in mind that holidays are holidays for everyone! As much as your family and friends are sure to be happy for you that you are getting married, they may not want to spend their Christmas or New Year’s Eve at your wedding. Plus, there is a good chance that people may already have plans, meaning you may end up with far fewer people at your wedding than you want.

→ Future anniversaries: Do you really always want to share your anniversary with a holiday? There are already so few holidays throughout the year, why not enjoy those with friends and family and have your own special day for your anniversary to enjoy with your spouse?

It may feel exciting and romantic to have your wedding on New Year’s Eve, but going forward you may find that it ends up taking away from the excitement in future years as you have to divide celebrations between the holiday and your anniversary.

Also make sure you check your calendar before locking down your wedding date, as you might accidentally pick a day that has a holiday like Easter, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day without realizing it!

These holidays don’t have a specific date (such as Christmas or Independence Day) so you really want to make sure if you are looking in those months that you are choosing a holiday-free day!

3. The 13th

If you are at all superstitious, you probably don’t want to select the 13th as your wedding date. Keep in mind that your actual wedding may not fall on Friday, the 13th, but it is inevitable that some of your anniversaries will! If that even sort of bothers you, just go with a different day so that you don’t have to worry about it.

Also keep in mind if you have family members who may find it disturbing- why worry about dealing with their opinions? Just go with the 12th or 14th instead!

4. Sporting events

If you or your spouse comes from a family that is seriously into sports, this is truly something that you want to keep in mind. It might sound silly, but you can seriously upset some people if you choose to have your wedding on Super Bowl Sunday (for example).

Once you have a general idea of the month and year you want to get married, take a really good look at the calendar to make sure there aren’t major sports events happening. And don’t forget about events that don’t take place every year like the Olympics or the World Cup!

When you need wedding dates it becomes a very important task you have once you get engaged. Make sure you give it a lot of thought and triple check your calendars before committing to a date!

While you should always feel confident doing exactly what you want for your own wedding, these are simply dates to keep in mind that may make your life easier. However, at the end of the day, if it is your dream to get married on New Year’s Eve, then do it!

Did you ever attend a wedding at a seriously inconvenient time? Did it bother you, or did you not mind? Let us know!

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