Is Mother’s Day Really a Bigger Deal Than Father’s Day?

Every year we have the opportunity to thank our parents for all of the wonderful things they have done. In May we call this special event Mother’s Day and in June, it’s Father’s Day. Though there has been some speculation about whether Mother’s Day is a bigger deal than Father’s Day, it all depends on how you see it. For example, some families put a larger emphasis on Mother’s Day whereas other families put a larger importance on Father’s Day. But the big question is, why?
Maternal and Paternal Support
One of the main reasons that you might notice moms get a little more attention than dads is because of the fact that there are more fathers in the world that aren’t a part of their child’s life than mothers. Though it is also important to note that there are plenty of mothers that leave their families, it’s more likely to occur with fathers. In which case, families may put a larger emphasis on Mother’s Day.
The Connection Between Mom and Child
If there’s any bond in this world that is stronger than you could imagine, it is the bond between a mother and their child. First, it starts with the fact that a mom has to carry the baby in her body for 9 months (sometimes longer) and this gives them an incredibly long time to bond. Traditionally, once the baby was born, a mother would spend the majority of her time with them while the father went to work. Even though in today’s day and age, the father also has a large part in their child’s life the mother/child bond certainly surpasses it.
It’s important to think about who has always been there when you felt ill, fell down and scraped your knee, or even wanted a particular thing to eat for dinner. In the event that you have been fortunate enough to have a fantastic mother, she was most likely the one to take care of everything. These are just a few examples of why Mother’s Day might be a little more visible than Father’s Day when you take a step back and look at how the world celebrates.
Mothers Love Gifts and Celebrations
Nearly every woman loves having the opportunity to be pampered and treated with love and respect, especially on special days. Honestly, if you were a mother would you be able to say no to gifts from your family? Even something as adorable as a finger-painted picture from your children is something that you would cherish for the rest of your life.
At the end of the day, every mother loves having the ability to be praised for the amount of work that she puts in on a regular basis. It’s an incredibly tough job raising a child, even with the help of a spouse or another family member. The best feeling in the world is when you have the chance for the whole family to say “Thank You” for everything that you’ve done.
Buying for Mom is Easier than Buying for Dad
There are dozens of traditional gifts you can find at an ordinary retail store when you start looking for something for your mom, whereas finding something for dad might be a little more difficult. For example, flowers, clothes, gift cards, jewelry, framed pictures, and mementos are just a few examples. Whereas for dad you basically can choose from tech gifts, ties, and tools. Unless your father is someone who knows exactly what he wants for Father’s Day and lets the whole family know, buying a sentimental gift for your mother is going to be much simpler. Therefore, more people will be willing to focus their efforts on Mother’s Day instead of Father’s Day.
Giving Mom a Chance to Relax
As mentioned, being a mother is tough and this is particularly true if you have more than one kid or if you’re the type of person that enjoys taking care of the whole family, including your spouse. One of the best things that mother’s love about their special day is they finally have a chance to relax. It’s not a secret, keeping a house clean, making food and lunches, doing laundry, and then potentially working a full-time job is incredibly exhausting and stressful. But on Mother’s Day, moms around the world have the opportunity to wake up to breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, and then even get taken out for dinner.
Even though it might only be a holiday that is celebrated for only 24 hours once a year, it’s a phenomenal way to show your mother how thankful you are by giving her the chance to put her feet up and relax.
Targeted Marketing
When you take a look at the less emotional side of things, marketing has a lot to do with how the world celebrates Mother’s Day as well. If you’ve ever noticed, companies put much more emphasis on this holiday when compared to Father’s Day, mostly because families will be willing to spend more money on certain things. For example, a diamond necklace from a jewelry store is going to cost more than a toolbox. In order to make the highest profit, companies are going to focus primarily on big-ticket items that husbands and their children will be willing to purchase.
Words as Gifts on Father’s Day
According to CS Monitor, approximately 83% of survey respondents noted that it was a suitable gift to say “Happy Father’s Day” to their dads instead of going out to the store to purchase something unique for them. This is understandable, as a lot of families believe that showing their heartfelt appreciation for their father is better than any gift they could purchase. Whereas for Mother’s Day you’re going to find yourself reaching for your wallet or the creative center of your brain for gift options.
Although we like to believe that both holidays are equally as important as each other, when you take a look at the statistics Mother’s Day far outshines Father’s Day. There are plenty of reasons why, but it’s important that you take the time to focus on both important members of your family instead of just one.
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