Life Changing Books That Will Make an Instant Impact on the Reader

Picking the perfect book is subjective, as every person has different tastes and things they’d like to read about. However, one thing all readers can agree on is that they have read at least one book that has changed their perspective on life.
Finding these titles, however, can be quite difficult, especially if you’re a picky reader. We’ve compiled a list of the best life changing books that will not only change the way you see life but the way you see literature as well.
1.The Death of Ivan Ilyich – Leo Tolstoy
If you’re looking for a deep and dark read that will make you reevaluate everything in your life, The Death of Ivan Ilyich is a novel that you have to get your hands on. Ivan Illyich seemingly has a similar life to anyone, he tries to climb the social ladder, struggles through a difficult marriage, and throws himself more into his work as his home life becomes less manageable.
As fate would have it, while hanging curtains, he falls and hurts his side, which eventually turns into a life-changing malady that is a terminal illness.
The entire novel revolves around the actions that he does while dying in an effort to understand the true meaning of life and what it really means to fear death.
By the end of The Death of Ivan Ilyich, you’re going to want to consider your priorities in life and all of your relationships. Hopefully opting to make the choice to better yourself and those around you. It’s an astounding piece of literature that you are likely to never forget.
2. Thinking Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman
The thoughts and theories in Thinking Fast and Slow have shaped some of the most fundamental aspects of cognitive psychology, happiness studies, and behavioral economics. If you’ve ever considered why humans think the way we do, this is one insightful look into the human mind.
Kahneman breaks down the mind into two systems, one that is fast and emotional, the other is slow and logical. By examining how both systems seemingly work together, you’ll learn more about how extraordinary we are when we put our minds to something. On the opposite end of the spectrum, he also explores how fast thinking and biases affect the world more than you know.
Thinking Fast and Slow is the type of book that everyone should read, as there would be a lot less hatred in the world if more people got their hands on it.
3. Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace
Have you ever encountered a situation that you think is too large to handle? You likely have, we all have. Infinite Jest is the type of reading that can take you out of your current situation and help you to realize that not everything is bad and that there is hope. The novel is set inside of a halfway house for addicts and has a dark and comical value to it.
You’ll be brought through various life-changing questions such as why people place such a high value on entertainment, how entertainment affects who we are as people, and what pleasure truly means.
Infinite Jest is highly entertaining and comical but it certainly has a deeper meaning that will have you questioning what it really means to have passion.
4. Stone Butch Blues – Leslie Feinberg
No matter what sexual orientation you have, it’s important to be as educated as possible about the world around you. Stone Butch Blues gives a true insight into the struggles and battles the LGBTQ+ community has gone through over the years, especially lesbians. Written brilliantly by Leslie Feinberg, this novel is something that all readers should have on their shelves.
Following the narrative of Jess Goldberg living in New York during the 40s and 50s, she realizes that she is quite different from other girls her age.
People start asking her if she’s a boy or a girl, her parents begin to get frustrated with people questioning her gender and they begin confiscating her masculine clothing.
After being institutionalized for dressing like a man, Jess then agrees to dress more feminine, though she doesn’t feel that way. The rest of the novel is filled with jaw-dropping stories about what it was like to grow up and find yourself as a butch lesbian before it became more of an “accepted” sexual orientation.
5. The Art of Learning – Josh Waitzkin
Life is a never ending journey of learning new and innovative things, no matter how old you are. The beauty of living is brilliantly captured in The Art of Learning, as it’s so much more than a self-help book.
Following the life of Josh Waitzkin, it explores all of the different things that he explored while growing up from scholastic chess to Tai Chi and all of the things he learned about himself along the way.
There are a lot of principles to consider when it comes to understanding what it means to be successful and to be at the top of your game.
If you find that you’re in a dark and dreary period in your life, this is an insightful and uplifting read that will help you to seek the help you need to become the best person you can be.
6. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
Any list about the top books that will change your perspective on life wouldn’t be complete without The Alchemist. It’s one of the most recommended books for people who have always been interested in adventure.
It’s true when they said that adventures mean life becomes incredibly more interesting. It features a brilliant combination of wisdom, mysticism, and magic as well as a brilliant tale of self-discovery.
You’ll learn more about understanding when an opportunity arises, the importance of taking every opportunity, and making the most of your time on this planet.
There are thousands of novels in the world that can help to shift your views on a subject, help you to become better informed. Or, simply assist you with becoming the best version of yourself.
Even if you’re not someone who usually enjoys reading, it’s highly recommended that you consider looking at these titles, as they are sure to impress.
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