Gift Ideas for Runners
10 Things to Consider When Seeking a Gift for a Runner
1. The type of running they do
Not all running is the same. There are trail runners, marathoners, and sprinters, among others, and each of them has a particular set of needs.
Make sure you are clear on the specific sub-category that your runner falls into.
2. Places they might like to run
Runners are always looking for a change of scene. If you can, find them an adventure.
Pick out a path, trail, or course somewhere beautiful and plan a day trip for them. They are sure to enjoy the thought and care you put in.
3. They’re probably picky
If you’re buying gear for your runner, you’ll want to be absolutely sure of their preferences.
Most serious runners are loyal to specific brands and models and rarely deviate from what works.
4. The weather where they live
It will make a big difference whether your runner is heading off the starting line in Seattle or Miami.
Try to adjust your purchases for the yearly weather averages wherever your runner is based.
5. Their running routine
Do they head off first thing in the morning before the sun has risen, or are they more of an afternoon jogger?
Do they listen to music or podcasts while they run? Try to support their ritual as best you can with new and exciting purchases.
6. Their sizes
Runners often prefer their athletic clothing and shoes to fit differently than their streetwear.
They might prefer shirts to be tighter or looser, and their shoe size can vary too. If you are checking their sizes, make sure to check it on their running gear specifically.
7. The level of competition they are engaged in
Extremely competitive runners are likely to be running races quite regularly, and will probably have need of a great deal of gear.
Fuel their feet with energy goo, new shoes, and race entry fees. Less competitive runners are sure to enjoy some of these things as well, particularly if they are new to racing.
8. Why they love running
Most people run because they love it, and they love it for a variety of reasons.
Some find it soothing and meditative, others find it exhilarating and empowering.
Find your runner’s narrative of running and feed into it as best you can.
9. Who they run with
Some runners go solo, always off by themselves. Others embrace the social side and join up with a running group in their area.
You’ll want to keep your runner’s level of gregariousness in mind as you search out a gift.
They might really enjoy something that gets them more involved with the running community.
10. Their long term goal
Is your runner trying to break their marathon time? Are they shooting high and aiming to go pro?
Whatever the goal they are working toward, encourage them toward it with gear or inspiration.
Gifts Ideas for Runners and Running Enthusiasts
If you know a runner, you know how important the sport is to them. These people are incredible athletes that have a love for fitness and practice it whenever they can.
Maybe you know a professional runner or someone who is still just as interested in it and regularly practices the sport and enters marathons and other challenges all the time.
If you aren’t a fellow jogger yourself, searching for the perfect pick can feel overwhelming. What is it that runners need? What would they enjoy?
No need to worry! Our team has compiled this list of gifts that runners of all levels are sure to love.
Whether the person you know is just getting started or is running their tenth marathon, you can find a runner gift they will absolutely love.
If this person has a birthday or other big event coming up, you might not be sure what to get them.
But why not get them something that has to do with their biggest passion in life?
Our gift guides for runners is full of awesome ideas that will be perfect for any runner. You know how important this sport is to them, so why not get them something that will help them continue doing what they love?
Practical Gift Ideas
They might make you feel guilty, but you can’t help but admire the runners in your life!
Rain or shine, they find the time almost every day to go outside or go to the gym to get their run-in.
Whether they are professional athletes, or just keep active to stay healthy, these are some of the most dedicated people out there.
There are a lot of cool new gadgets, gear, and accessories out there that the runner in your life needs but doesn’t have yet. Here are our top 5 picks to help get you thinking!
1. A sleek accessories belt
He or she probably has two options when they go running: either they strap on a bulky fanny pack to hold their phone, keys, and other essentials, or they choose to leave everything behind and only take with them their keys. Why not give them a better option?
Instead of having to leave behind items you really want with you, you can take them all with you with the latest accessory ‘belt’ like designs!
These belts are super sleek and allow a runner to fit all the items they would want with them on their run.
That way, while they are running they won’t have an annoying bag flapping around, but they can still have all of their stuff!
2. Arm warmers
You’ve heard of leg warmers, but had you heard of arm warmers? These sleeve-like accessories are perfect for the runner who loves getting outside.
As the weather begins to change and get cooler, they might want some added warmth on their arms to start off their run. As it gets hotter, they can easily remove the sleeves and keep going!
Arm warmers are a lot more convenient than having to change your entire shirt or even having to take off a jacket.
With a jacket, you have to decide what to do with it and where to put it. With these warmers, they are so sleek you can easily slip them in your pocket and keep going!
3. Wireless Headphones
They sure do have headphones so that they can listen to their favorite music playlist (or podcast) to keep them going while on their run.
However, wireless headphones are becoming a lot more popular now, and they will change a runner’s life forever.
Once they start using them, they won’t be able to understand how they used to run without them!
Headphones can easily get tangled or caught on something (or someone) and can just overall be a pain.
Wireless headphones make it easy to hit the road and have full freedom while running or doing any other type of exercise.
4. Foam Roller
After a run, you don’t just experience what is known as the ‘runner’s high,’ you also have to deal with muscle soreness!
For that reason, a foam roller is a great idea that they can use after every run to help loosen up their muscles and provide a much-needed massage.
A lot of runners either resort to paying for expensive massages or asking their spouse, partner, or roommate to help rub their back and legs.
Why not let them handle their post-run massage all on their own?
5. Recovery Shoes
Finally, in addition to wanting to focus on recovery for the body, runners should also focus on recovery for their feet!
There are plenty of recovery shoes options out there that will help sore feet to relax after a long run.
They may think to relax and massage their bodies, but many might not think to treat their feet. At least not in the form of a shoe anyways!
Recovery shoes can help provide relief even if they are still having to be up on their feet all day - they make for a great pick!
We Feature Gifts in All Budget Ranges
Is the running person in your life about to run a big race or compete in a major competition?
Now is a great time to get them something to celebrate their huge accomplishment. Be there at the finish line with a huge smile and a unique gift to remember the day by.
Runners work incredibly hard and devote a lot of their time to the sport. The perfect gift can help them remember why it is they do what they do, and is something they are sure to appreciate and remember forever.
No matter your budget, or your knowledge of running, you can find the perfect pick for a runner in your life.
If there is a big holiday or race day coming up, it is time to start looking for gifts.
Take a look at our guides and see what you find. You’ll be running to the checkout in no time!