The Fuck Off Eye Mask

Do you have a friend or family member that really loves their sleep? They probably get extremely cranky whenever they have to wake up and could be described as a ‘bear’ in the morning. They might even enjoy going to bed super early or are very picky about noise and light when they are sleeping. If you have a good friend or family member that fits this description and are looking to get them a fun and useful gift, then the Fuck Off Eye Mask is the perfect gift.

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Detailed information about The Fuck Off Eye Mask

This sleep mask is black satin, so it is extremely soft and lightweight. It has the words ‘FUCK OFF’ embroidered on the top of it and has sequins going around the edge of the mask. The sequins around the trim are a clear shimmer so nothing super bold, but enough to liven up the mask if the embroidery did not do enough. The mask is approximately 7 cm tall, 17 cm wide, and 1 cm thick.