The Low Calorie Chocolate Desserts To Order

People say you always have some room for dessert. It doesn’t go to the stomach; it goes straight to the heart. Who would’ve thought that the meaning of this phrase would be quite literal! Intake of too much calories can have an adverse effect to your heart. There is no reason to be disappointed about this. The good news is chocolate has too many options for you to choose from. And there is always a healthy way out to your problem.
We would never ask you to deprive yourself from chocolates. This ingredient can instantly brighten up your mood. All you have to do is be a little bit careful while choosing your dessert when you dine out. The multi layers of chocolate, cream and frosting might be tempting but you should stick to few basics for your tasty yet healthy diet plan.
Always choose yogurts
When you are confused about the calorie intake, the safest option is to choose the ones with yogurt. Restaurants build their menus and recipes in a way where they try to fulfill the needs of maximum potential. When they incorporate yogurt in a dessert, they basically target the health conscious consumer base. So, this could be your cheat code while choosing from the large menu. Chocolate with yogurt could be perfect balance for desserts with fewer calories.
Know the baked desserts
Baked desserts can be deceiving and contains good amount of calories in a lot of cases. When choosing brownies, tarts or pies remember to check the toppings and other ingredients. Don’t choose ice-cream with the brownie. It is always wiser to indulge in one variety of sweetness only.
Remember do not opt for sugar-free or low fat brownies or baked items, they might be underwhelming if you’re a sweet tooth. You would ultimately end up getting more than the usual amount. Small chocolate chip cookies, black bean brownies, zucchini brownies chocolate banana bites are some of the baked desserts that you should select from the menu.
Be careful with the toppings
With normal food we often find dressings, sauce and other toppings on the side or take it according to our convenience. Same thing applies for desserts as well. Sometimes the toppings or dressings might have much more calorie than you expected. The best toppings are definitely the fruit items such as strawberries or bananas. However, if these are not available try to cut down on those extra chocolate syrup and m&ms.
Chocolate crunch bars
Munchies are great items while eating out and chitchatting with your friends. While being in the conversation, you often tend to lose track of the amount of cookies or chocolate bars you have eaten. There’s an easy solution to it. Just order the item with least calorie!
Chocolate crunch bars with nuts or oatmeal is a good way to go for your munchies option. It definitely doesn’t hurt to have few small bites from those chocolate chip cookies but make sure you don’t have more than two. Some skinny chocolate barks would be nice too if you’re not in the mood for cookies.
Oatmeal chocolate cookies
Healthier snack sounds delicious but the taste, not so delicious! When eating out, you sometimes give in to the extra sweet chocolate desserts and regret afterwards. That is totally relatable and we have few tips to keep you on track. Try and make things interesting with fortune cookies or chocolate chip cookies with oatmeal. This will divert your mind from the pile of calories you were almost about to have.
The fruity desserts
The fruitier it is, the tastier your dessert gets. Fruits are the perfect complementary item for those delicious chocolate items. Fruits mix and match so well with chocolate desserts that the trends have slightly changed. Now people opt for fruit as the key ingredient and chocolate as the side dish for the desserts. Definitely fruits are the most suitable option as they are both tasty and healthy. Add some chocolate to it and you have your perfect dessert with the least calories.
Apple stuffed chocolate cake, banana truffle, chocolate blueberry clusters, chocolate covered strawberry cubes, snickers banana bites and chocolate kiwi pops are some the tastiest fruit desserts with chocolates. Lucky for you, the list keeps on increasing and now you get more options among the least calorie chocolate desserts.
Chocolate marshmallow fudge
Chocolate, marshmallow and fudge is a match made in heaven for dessert lovers. One might get confused this wonderful combination is not a part of your healthy diet. Well, if you feel that way, you’re definitely wrong! There are plenty of dessert items in the menu that has these three ingredients together but are of fewer calories. Amazing, isn’t it? You can definitely treat yourself with this heavenly dessert once a month while eating out and not free guilty at all.
Cherry, almond and chocolate
Another beautiful amalgamation of dessert ingredients are cherry, almond and chocolates. Almonds as we all know are very good for your memory and heart. Well, chocolates are good for your heart too as it makes your tummy extremely happy and fulfilled. With almond and chocolate together, cherries are literally the cherry on the top.
An excellent combination along with low calorie is cherry almond chocolate dessert items. You can choose clusters, tarts, moose, biscotti made of these items and we assure you none of them would disappoint you.
Some common chocolate desserts
To make things easier for you, we shortlisted some good glutton-free chocolate desserts to choose from while eating out. Chocolate almond meringues, skinny chocolate chip cheesecake bars, chocolate banana bread, chocolate covered strawberry cubes, peanut butter and chocolate chip bites, chocolate pudding shots, chocolate peach pudding are some of the tasty yet healthy items on the menu. Their calorie content is much lower compared to the conventional chocolate desserts.
Going for a healthy option and choosing chocolate desserts with least calorie content doesn’t necessarily mean you have to compromise with the taste. You can indulge yourself with good quality chocolate desserts and still keep your calorie count in control.
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