How to Crochet? 5 Free Online Tutorials to Get You Started!

When it comes to picking up a new skill, such as crocheting, you’re going to want to make sure that you have the best resources at your disposal so that you don’t wind up wasting your time. There are hundreds of different resources that you can use online to start your new project, however, there are some that are far superior to others.
Below are things to look out for when choosing the right crocheting tutorials as well as our top 5 online tutorials that you have to check out!
What to Look for in Online Tutorials
As mentioned, there are plenty of things that you’re going to need in order to make the most out of crocheting instructions, especially if you’re a beginner.
1. Step-by-step pictures
First and foremost, the tutorial that you choose should have pictures to give you a visual representation of the steps that you’re going to have to take, otherwise, you’ll just be relying on the written word of someone who already knows how to effectively crochet.
No matter if you’re more a visual or hands-on learner, a tutorial should always have pictures.
2. Lists of required items
Another important feature that tutorials should have is a list of items that you will need before you even start crocheting, otherwise, you might find yourself running out to the crafts store before you even start. It’s always better to be prepared beforehand so you can start crocheting immediately.
3. Easy-to-understand text
Finally, you’re also going to want to find tutorials that offer easy-to-read text along with their pictures, as sometimes, a picture isn’t sufficient enough to explain techniques that you should try to make the task easier.
The Best Online Crocheting Tutorials
Below are our top five picks for the best online tutorials to help you become the best crocheting aficionado you can be.
The Spruce Crafts – A Total Beginner’s Guide to Learning How to Crochet
We love a great beginner’s guide and The Spruce Crafts always has the best way to lead you through arts and crafts that you’ve never tried before. With “A Total Beginner’s Guide to Learning How to Crochet”, you’ll have the ability to know the ins and outs of the project and what to expect every step of the way.
We also love how they implement videos throughout the article that can show you different techniques, such as how to make crochet stitches as a beginner.
Craftsy – Want to Learn How to Crochet? Start Here!
If you are someone who is looking for a simple and easy to follow step-by-step guide to learn how to start crocheting and how to improve your skills over a short period of time, Craftsy’s tutorial on crocheting is a fantastic option.
Similar to The Spruce Crafts, “Want to Learn How to Crochet? Start Here!” offers pictures every step of the way, discusses the type of materials that you’re going to want to start with, and even goes into detail about the different types of crochet hooks that you might come across in the store.
It’s one of the better tutorials because it covers all of the bases to make sure you can make the most out of your time and effort.
Instructables – “How to Crochet for Beginners”
Much like their name suggests, Instructables is another incredibly useful resource to have at your disposal when you’re interested in learning about a variety of different things. It’s unique when compared to the other tutorials on the list because all of their articles are crafted by teachers or experts on a specific project, so you’ll surely have all of the information you need to get started. What makes “How to Crochet for Beginners” the most notable is the fact that it’s been viewed over 2 million times, which shows you just how effective the tutorial is.
Another thing that we love about Instructables aside from their easy to follow instructions, pictures, and videos, is the fact that you can leave comments and questions at the bottom of the article and they will either be answered by teachers or other community members. It’s essentially as if you were taking an advanced crocheting class and asking for assistance.
Annie’s Craft Store – How to Crochet & Basic Stitches
Annie’s Craft Store takes a more conventional approach when it comes to tutorials, but they’re arguably one of the most effective ways of teaching when compared to the other tutorials on this list.
Instead of getting bogged down by walls of text and a few pictures, “How to Crochet & Basic Stitches” is designed to where you click on the step of the project you want to do and you’re immediately directed to a video that shows you how to complete the said step.
Craft Yarn Council – Learn Single Crochet
If you’re looking for resources developed by the best professionals possible, you’re going to want to take a look at Craft Yarn Council’s learning center, as it’s filled with great tutorials and advice about a wide variety of yarn-related tasks, including crocheting.
With that being said, we found that their tutorials were a little more appropriate for intermediate users in comparison to being as user-friendly as the other tutorials on this list. However, it’s a great guide for learning more about the ins and outs of crochet once you get a hang of it.
Final Thoughts
Have you ever seen someone start to crochet something and thought to yourself, “Well, that looks easy enough”? Even though it might look simple, you can guarantee that learning how to crochet is something that is going to take a lot of time and patience to get a hang of. Also, you can bet that as you become more experienced, you’ll start to pick up on mistakes that you wouldn’t have noticed when you first started.
With the help of the right tutorial, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a fantastic crochet enthusiast and be able to develop your craft far faster than if you were to try to figure it out without any help.
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