Best Hypoallergenic Cats: Cat Breeds that Won’t Cause You any Allergies

Is there anything worse than being a pet lover but being allergic? It can feel heartbreaking to think you can’t adopt a furry family member because of something like allergies, but there is good news! While it is true that being allergic to either cats or dogs does impact your decision to adopt a pet, you do still have options thanks to hypoallergenic cats & cat breeds!
In particular, plenty of people decide they want to adopt a cat, but there is a good chance you may be allergic. In fact, people are far more likely to be allergic to cats than to dogs. Before adopting a cat you should absolutely check and see if you are allergic.
You don’t want to end up falling in love with a cat you can’t really give a good home because of your allergies. Also be sure to check with whoever is living with you!
If a family member happen to be allergic, that matters just as much, even if they won’t be the ones primarily taking care of the cat.
So, if you find out (or if you already know) that you or someone you live with is allergic – what are your options? While you could decide to permanently be on allergy medication, we don’t recommend that! Instead, why not look into hypoallergenic cats?
While there is no way to eliminate 100% of the allergy threat, hypoallergenic breeds will result in you experiencing fewer allergies. It will be much more comfortable for you or your family to have a hypoallergenic cat.
It will allow you to give them the perfect loving home they deserve without having to suffer with sneezing, watery eyes, and more!
Hypoallegenic cats & their fur
Wondering what makes a cat hypoallergenic? You would probably think that their fur is what causes you to sneeze, but that actually isn’t the case!
Cats actually produce a protein, Fel D1, that is found in their saliva, and that is what causes an allergic reaction! Hypoallergenic breeds have less of this protein, therefore meaning you will have less of an allergic reaction when you are around them.
Here are some of the most popular hypoallergenic cat breeds to consider if you are thinking about adopting. Even if you aren’t allergic, these are wonderful cats to consider taking home with you!
1. Hairless Cat/Sphynx
A Sphynx cat, otherwise known as a hairless cat, is a great hypoallergenic breed to consider.
While it is true that fur is not the main culprit of allergies, what happens typically is that a cat will lick their fur. This way they’ll their saliva present with the Fel D1 protein, onto the fur.
The fur then sheds and causes the protein to become airborne and to be present wherever the fur happens to fall. For that reason, if you have a hairless cat, you don’t have to worry about fur transferring the protein because the cat doesn’t have any fur!
2. Oriental Short Hair
If you don’t want to commit to a totally hairless cat, don’t worry. Oriental Short Hair cats are another great option because while they do have fur, it is very short, and they do not shed a lot.
This will result in the same basic outcome as a Sphynx cat. Make sure you stay on top of grooming them to remove any loose fur on your own, instead of the cat doing so and potentially transferring some allergens.
3. Balinese
Balinese cats are a great hypoallergenic option because they actually produce less Fel D1 than most other breeds of cat! This will result in far fewer allergic reactions on your end. They also have slightly longer fur, making them a good option if you prefer cats with longer fur.
4. Siberian
If you thought that it was totally out of the question to have a long haired cat, be prepared to be pleasantly surprised! Siberian cats are known for their gorgeous long coats, but similar to Balinese cats, they produce a lot less Fel D1 protein, making them a hypoallergenic cat breed!
If you want a super fluffy, cuddly breed, the Siberian is for you!
5. Cornish Rex
Cornis Rex cats are very unique because they do not have top layers of fur like most cats do. Instead, this breed only contains the bottom most hairs called the down hairs.
Because they have less hair, they shed a lot less. Therefore, meaning there will be less allergens present in the air.
As an added bonus, you will find Cornish Rex cats to be some of the softest. This is because they only have the down hair which is incredibly soft to the touch!
6. Devon Rex
Devon Rex cats, as the name suggests, are very similar to Cornish Rex cats. They also only have down hairs, and in fact they actually have less hair than Cornish Rex cats, making them a great hypoallergenic breed to consider.
If you are okay with very short haired cats, a Devon Rex is a perfect option for you to consider. If you want a little more hair, go with the Cornish Rex. Either way, you’ll have a hypoallergenic breed that’s also incredibly soft!
7. Russian Blue
The Russian Blue is one of our favorite breeds of cat, and better yet they also happen to be hypoallergenic! They are known for their gorgeous coats which feature a gray/blue hue (hence their name) which we absolutely love.
They have a good amount of fur, but not a lot. They are classified as hypoallergenic because they produce far less Fel D1, similar to the Siberian and Balinese breeds.
8. Javanese
Javanese cats also only have one layer of fur, similar to Devon and Cornish Rex breeds. However, the layer that these cats have is the topmost layer of fur, as opposed to the down hair.
Still, the result is similar,. They have fewer layers and less fur overall, they shed a lot less and therefore put out fewer allergens.
Javanese cats have medium length fur. This makes them another good option if you do prefer a breed with longer hair as opposed to shorter hair or hairless breeds.
9. LaPerm
LaPerm cats are a bit less common, but we love their appearance! Known for their curly coats (similar to that of a poodle), LaPerms are classified as hypoallergenic because the texture of their fur helps keep loose hair in place.
Less shedding = less allergens transferred. If you want a unique looking cat, this is a great option to consider!
10. Bengal
Finally, Bengals also fall into the same category that LaPerms, Javanese, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, and Oriental breeds fall into. It is not that these cats produce less Fel D1, their coats just require less maintenance and shed far less than other breeds.
Because of this, they are considered hypoallergenic and are a good option to consider.
If you know you are allergic to cats but still want to adopt one, you have plenty of options! Whether it is you, a family member, or a roommate who is allergic, you can easily opt for a hypoallergenic breed instead so that you can more easily adapt to your new furry family member!
While you won’t eliminate all of the allergens, it will be greatly reduced. With the help of an antihistamine, you shouldn’t have to worry about a reaction.
Some time ago we also published a list of hypoallergenic dog breeds you can check out!
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