ANJUU Pets Puppy Cute Corgi Butt Throw Pillow
Ever wanted to lay your head on the butt of a corgi? Well now is your chance to do just that! With the Anjuu Corgi Butt Throw Pillow!!!
This cute little corgi butt would make a great accent for any couch or bed, as a throw pillow. You can even lay your head on a nice, warm doggo butt. And who wouldn’t want to do that!? That way you get all of the comfort and warmth, without all of the mess!
Detailed information about ANJUU Pets Puppy Cute Corgi Butt Throw Pillow
This pillow is made out of the softest of materials. A lovely quality plush cotton, so you can easily stuff your face where the sun don’t shine, and love every minute of it.
Also makes for an excellent choice for decoration! Just imagine the look of your friends and family when they come to visit to find out that they are being shone the moon? It will make for a hilarious and humorous design choice that will get even the most stubborn and humorless of people chuckling. Even if it is just on the inside.