5 Myths We Need To Stop Believing About Coffee

Coffee addicts testify that coffee has many health benefits. It is also a commonly held belief that in times of desperate need for energy, we can rely on coffee to wake us up and remain alert. In many cultures and places, coffee also has a social component. Boil a pot of coffee, and conversation is sure to follow.
As a fellow coffee addict, I’ve found it very informative to de-bunk coffee myths and verify the claims made in various Pinterest and BuzzFeed articles about the dangers of coffee.
Let’s see what science has to say about the following coffee “myths”:
Drinking coffee can help you lose weight.
Despite beliefs that drinking coffee will help you lose weight, it can increase your metabolism- a tiny, tiny bit. However, if you’re looking to lose weight and sustain the weight loss over time, drinking a lot of coffee isn’t the ticket. Stick to healthy eating and healthy habits! A cup of coffee might make you less hungry, but it will not help you obtain your optimum weight sustainably.
Coffee causes ulcers.
Coffee consumption and ulcers do often correlate in doctor notes and food diaries. However, the acidity of coffee does not necessarily cause ulcers. Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that makes its home in your stomach. This particular bacteria, when over-stimulated or over-reactive, can cause deep, nasty ulcers and stir up a lot of stomach pain. Antibiotics can cure these type of ulcers. Avoiding drinks like coffee and other acidic foods and beverages can also help the ulcers heal, and ultimately make your stomach less uncomfortable while in recovery.
Too much coffee can cause insomnia.
The National Sleep Foundation can confirm that yes, coffee is a stimulant and no, it does not cause insomnia. Coffee is a great way to feel more alert and get your body going in the morning or late evening at work. However, this feeling of being alert that coffee creates is only temporary, as is the caffeine that stays in your body.
Caffeine enters the body through the stomach and small intestine, and is processed and removed by our gross stuff destroyer, the kidney after about 15 minutes. Caffeine will make you feel most awake within those first 15 minutes of consuming coffee, and then the rush of energy will wear off.
Moral of the common belief proved myth: We need sleep to function; do not increase your coffee intake to replace sleep! It will temporarily mess with your natural body cycles and make it more difficult to find a sleep routine that works for you.
Coffee can stunt your growth.
Caffeine can negatively affect a child’s nutrition intake, but it cannot stunt their growth! Caffeine can make a child eat less and replace dense staple liquids in a child’s diet like milk or fruit. Like a grown adult, children are affected by their intake of caffeine. Younger children may experience anxiety, issues sleeping, stomach issues, or eating changes if they are taking too much caffeine. The central nervous system is much more sensitive and easily stimulated in children, and can cause more detrimental effects of what is seen as “energy” in adults.
Drinking coffee can help you be more creative.
The initiative, commitment, and self-doubt can block out-of-the-box thought processes. Imagine a cure-all for these three things-and BOOM! Coffee. A stimulant by nature, this beverage will awaken those edgy cells in your brain and ignite some innovative thinking. Great for writers, artists, and anyone tryna’ create from scratch.
Coffee can alleviate hangovers.
Coffee has some effects on the body, including the shrinking of blood vessels and boosting blood pressure. These physical effect will cause the body to actually constrict, rather than absorb, the water in coffee. Dehydration can quickly follow.
If you’re a regular coffee drinker, it might make the hang over even worse! Imagine you’re already dehydrated, and then you have one small cup of coffee. The lack of caffeine might cause a bigger headache.
Coffee can help you be more social!
Studies have shown that people who drink one to three cups of coffee in a day are better able to point out more positive words than negative in a series of sequences. Caffeine can help boost mental functions associated with happiness, including one’s ability to sift happy thoughts out of negative ones.
Coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of developing depression than non-coffee drinkers, said another study published in 2011.
Coffee is an inevitable comfort in this fast-paced world we live in today. More so, the supposed discomforts caused by coffee are often just myths. The health benefits and general happiness created from one large cup of joe outweighs the smaller harmful effects when drank with care, caution, and moderation.
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