If You Want to Try Yoga, We Found 5 Online Classes We Tried, Tested, and Approved!

Yoga has become one of the most popular exercises of the past few years, and with good reason! Great for building muscle, improving balance and flexibility, and for dealing with stress and anxiety! A great workout for the body and the mind, it can be intimidating for those who have never given it a try before.
Thankfully, you shouldn’t be afraid of downward facing dog, warrior pose, child’s pose, or any of it! Yoga is great because there are plenty of moves for beginners, and you can slowly work your way up towards more advanced poses! You won’t be balancing on your head day one, but you can certainly work your way up to that point!
If you are hesitant to show up to a yoga class without ever having done it before, we understand. It’s scary to try something new in front of other people! Especially if the others in the class aren’t first-timers like yourself, it can be an intimidating environment. While most yogis are lovely accepting people, it is only natural to be worried to give it a try out in public.
Thankfully, there are so many online classes that you can try from the comfort of your own home! That’s right- you don’t have to leave the house or worry about other people judging your form- you can do it right in your bedroom or living room!
By trying yoga at home you can learn if it is something you actually want to get into more seriously. At home, you don’t have to worry about having all of the right yoga equipment or perfect yoga outfit. Just try it at home and see what you think!
Keep in mind, these classes are so excellent that we are pretty sure you’ll be addicted the first time you try! But hey, what’s the harm in that? You may just be onto a new hobby- and one that is healthy! No complaining here.
Here are the 5 best yoga online classes we found that you can try from the safety of your home to see how you like it.
1. YogaGlo
YogaGlo is the first online company on our list that features over 1,000 classes in total! That is a lot of classes for you to watch and join in on! Best of all, the feature classes at all different levels so that you can start at a beginner level and grow over time without having to switch to a different company! They also feature an app so that you can watch the classes on your smartphone, as well as on your laptop or pretty much any other device.
YogaGlo also can help direct you to the right classes to get started with, which is helpful if you are a true beginner and simply don’t know where to begin. Not only do they have strictly beginners classes, they also feature classes targeted at meditation and for various types of people- including runners, cyclists, and even pregnant women! There truly is something for everyone!
Their classes are taped live at their studio in Santa Monica California and feature a variety of excellent instructors. This is a great comprehensive set of online classes that you can watch for years to come as your skills grow!
Price: You can start out with a free day trial that will last you 15 days- plenty of time to test out various classes and see if you like it. After that, you pay a flat rate of $18 per month to have access to all of their classes. Watch as many classes as you want- that fee includes everything and an unlimited number of classes!
2. YourStudio
This next online class program is called YourStudio, and we love how targeted their classes are at building up certain strengths- whether you want to increase your muscle tone, focus on flexibility, or even on mastering a certain yoga pose such as the handstand! With these classes you can easily focus on the areas of your body that you want to, or take a more holistic approach with a class that focuses on strength, energy, flexibility, or many other areas.
What we also like about these classes is that there are two different types of memberships so that you can select exactly what you need. Perhaps you want to stick with just one class that you love, or maybe you are more adventurous and want to try all sorts of different classes. You can find the membership that fits your needs!
Maybe the best feature of all with YourStudio is that each time you complete a yoga class, YourStudio plants a tree. Seriously! Help your body while you help the Earth- it is a win win!
Price: As we mentioned there are two different ways to purchase classes. You can either purchase an individual program for one set price which is comprised of 5-8 classes, or you can purchase a monthly membership for $10 to have unlimited access to all of their classes and material. If you purchase a certain program, you will have access to it for life. Best of all, you can always start with a 7 day free trial to give it a shot before committing!
3. Yogis Anonymous
Similar to YogaGlo, this company also records live their yoga classes from their studio in Santa Monica and have a rolling list of over 1,000 classes to choose from! We love that if you happen to be in the Santa Monica area you can actually attend their classes at the studio- these are not staged classes for online, they are actually real yoga classes with real people!
However, if you are located anywhere else around the world or simply want to stick to your living room for now, you can access all of their classes online. Their classes come in a wide variety of focuses, levels, and times as well. Only have time for a 5 minute session? No problem. Looking for an hour focused on relaxation? You got it. Pick exactly what you want – they are sure to have it ready for you!
With plenty of different instructors you also know you are getting only the experts to help instruct you on how to become a true yogi.
Price: Start out with an impressive 15 day free trial to really get a feel for the classes to see if you really like them. After that, you can sign up for a monthly membership that will cost around $12 a month to get access to their classes, or you can pay $150 up front to have access for the entire year.
4. DoYouYoga
Not convinced that you need to pay for yoga classes? Fair enough. You are sure to love DoYouYoga then, as they offer both free and paid for classes! That’s right! Access some of their classes completely for free and see if you end up loving yoga as much as we think you will. You can always pay for their premium classes later.
We also like that there is bundle pricing and programs that feature multiple classes. Worried you’ll get bored doing the same class over and over, but you want to focus on that particular skill? You will then love their programs that feature numerous classes so that you are always doing something different, while still focusing on strength, balance, flexibility, or whatever particular skill you selected.
Another thing we love about DoYouYoga? Their social aspect! We all know that accountability is one of the best ways to ensure you stick to something, especially exercise. With DoYouYoga you can connect with other yogis and share your progress and encourage one another to keep going. If you want that sense of connection, but aren’t quite ready to commit to an in-person class, this is the perfect inbetween situation that you need!
In addition to their social media aspect, they also have a great blog that will give you some great insight, tips, and yoga poses for all different types of situations. This is a great resource that you can access totally for free!
Price: Like we said, they have a seriously impressive set of free classes that you can join in on- such as The 30 Days of Yoga Challenge, The Bikini Body Challenge, or The 28 Day Yoga For Beginner’s Program (perfect if you are just starting out!) If you want access to their premium content, you can sign up for a monthly subscription which costs $15/month.
5. Udemy
Finally, you may have heard of Udemy before, as it hosts a variety of classes teaching just about any subject you can think of – science, math, web design, language, you name it, there’s probably a Udemy course that teaches it. That includes yoga!
We love that these Udemy courses are often taught by well known, expert yoga instructors that do a great job of teaching you various poses and the meaning behind why they are so beneficial. Most of the classes are also more like longer programs that feature numerous classes so that you get a really immersive experience and set of courses that will have you feeling great.
Udemy also features a great website and mobile app so you can take your yoga with you wherever you go! This is great for anyone who travels and wants to take their yoga training on the road with them. With Udemy you can! Download your courses so that even if you don’t have Internet access you can still practice your yoga.
Price: Each class will have a different fee associated with it. Pay the fee, and you have access to the course for life!
Wrapping Up
There you have it! All of these classes are excellent at teaching yoga, and no matter your skill level, you can give it a try and see how you like it. While we are convinced you will love it after just one class, try it for yourself to see! Which classes look best to you? Which will you try first? With a variety of platforms to choose from, and with varying levels of commitment and different pricing options, you can easily find something that fits your desires and budget!
Sign up, get dressed, and try it out! Namaste!
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