29 Birthday Invitation Wording Ideas as Unique as They Come!

Planning a birthday party can be a fun experience, especially if it’s for a loved one or a friend. Figuring out birthday invitation wording, on the other hand, can be quite the task, especially if you’re not as creative with words as you’d like to be.
When it comes to creating your DIY invitations, you’ll want to know exactly what needs to be inside of the invitations and how to make them stand out.
Below are our favorite examples of birthday party invitation wording for a wide assortment of events.
The Most Important Information
Before you start getting into the creative aspects, it’s first essential to consider the necessary information every attendee will need to have in the invitation.
This info will include who the party is for, where the party is hosted, and what time. Depending on the type of event, for example, a formal birthday party, you may want to include extra information such as the dress code.
✓ Date: It’s most vital for you to let your guests know the exact date of the event so that they can schedule their time accordingly.
You won’t want people to assume you’re hosting the party on their actual birthday when you intend to have the event the following weekend.
✓ Time: Be sure to include when you want your guests to arrive, as you’ll want to make sure the party is ready to go before your doorbell rings.
There may be some family members you should invite a little earlier to help you set up, if necessary. Most important is the guest of honor, as you’ll want to make sure the party is ready before they arrive.
✓ Venue: Along with the date and time, you’ll need to let your guests know where they should be heading for the party.
If you’re hosting something at a local restaurant, you’ll also want to include any reservation information that guests will need as they arrive.
Even if you intend to host the event at your house, you’ll need to provide a full address that works with GPS.
✓ Theme: If you’re planning a birthday party with a specific theme, you’ll want to include that in the invitation as well.
This point is especially essential for children’s and teen parties, as it can give guests an idea of what type of gifts to buy.
For example, if your child is interested in Paw Patrol, you can host a Paw Patrol-themed party.
✓ Age: Unless you’re inviting people who are incredibly close to the guest of honor, it is always crucial for you to include their age.
This point is especially important for children, as guests will need to know what type of gifts to buy that are age-appropriate.
If you’re hosting a special milestone birthday such as a 21st bday party, you’ll want to include their age as well. When creating your invitations, their age will likely be the focal point of the design.
✓ RSVP Information: It’s always best if you have a clear idea of who intends to show up and who won’t be able to make it.
Having this information allows you to make the perfect amount of appetizers, order the right food, and even know what size birthday cake to buy or bake.
Make sure you include clear and easy RSVP information so your guests can get in contact with you quickly.
✓ Guest(s) of Honor: It might seem like common sense to include the name of the guest of honor in an invitation, but it is frequently forgotten.
Take special care to make sure your guests know who they are celebrating, especially if you’re throwing a joint birthday party. W
ith two birthday guests in one event, you’ll need to let your guests know they may want to consider buying two gifts.
✓ BYOB (Optional): For adult birthday parties, you’ll likely want to add a little bit of alcohol into the mix, whether it is wine or hard liquor.
At times, the best option is to have guests bring their beverages, especially when it comes to alcohol. It can be expensive and challenging to try to figure out what everyone likes to drink.
If you intend to serve booze, it’s a fantastic idea to encourage your guests to bring their own alcohol.
Birthday Invitation Wording
Now that you know all of the most critical information to put on your birthday party invitations, let’s get into the more creative part – birthday party invitation wording.
With these examples, you can bet you’ll make the most original messages possible that all of your guests will love.
Kids Birthday Invitation Wording
1. Superheroes
“Attention all superheroes, the city needs your help!
Come help (Guest of honor) save the day at their (age) birthday party!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Don’t forget to wear your super suits and bring your superpowers!”
2. Princes and Princesses
“Hear ye, hear ye!
By royal decree, you have been invited to
Prince/Princess (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday ball!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
3. 2-Year-Old Birthday Party
“We hear it’s time for those terrible 2’s!
Let’s all get together to celebrate!
You’re invited to (Guest of honor) ’s 2nd birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. Baby Birthday Party
“Oh, how time as flown,
We can’t believe how much she’ s/he’s grown!
Filled with love and fun,
Our baby is turning one!
You are invited to celebrate (Guest of honor) ’s 1st birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
5. Slumber Party Invitation
“Calling all of the birthday girl’ s/boy’s friends!
It’s time to get our favorite treats and movies,
For a fantastic birthday, slumber party!
You’re invited to celebrate (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
Funny Birthday Invitation Wording
1. 50th Birthday Party
“Oh my, say it isn’t so,
(Guest of honor’s turning the big FIVE-O!
Please join us to celebrate (Guest of honor) ’s 50th birthday!
An evening filled with music, dinner, and fun!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
2. Fun Kid’s Party
“Don’t be a party pooper, join in on the fun!
We’re having a fantastic celebration for
(Guest of honor)’s (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
3. Night Out Party
“It’s true, (Guest of honor) is so shocked to realize they’re turning (age)!
To help them cope with the news, we’re hosting a knee’s up at (venue)!
Bring your drinking hats and appetites; it’s going to be a wild ride.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. Drinking Party
“Let’s help (Guest of honor) through this most difficult time
With drinks, …drinks, and even more drinks!
We all know that (age) sucks, so let’s make it better!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
5. Hashtag Invitation
“Guess who’s #oldasf?
Join us in celebrating (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday
Filled with cakes and laughs!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
6. Annual Roast
“Roast and Toast to (guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday!
A night filled with barbecue, drinks, and debauchery.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Don’t forget to BYOB and bring your semi-appropriate jokes.”
Adult Birthday Invitation Wording
1. Drinks for All
“Cheers and beers
Join us to celebrate (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
2. No-Gift Birthday
“Join us for a birthday party
To honor (Guest of honor)
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Join us for food and drinks to celebrate
(Guest of honor)’s (age) birthday.
No gifts, please.”
3. Milestone Birthday
“30 has never looked so good.
Please join us in helping (Guest of honor)
Ring in this fabulous time of their life at the age of 30.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. 30th Birthday
“30, flirty, and fabulous.
Let’s all get together to celebrate the life of
(Guest of honor) at her/his (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
5. Musical Birthday
“Please join us for an evening of Rock ’n Roll
Celebrating (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Filled with cocktails, dinner, and dancing”
Senior Birthday Invitation Wording
1. Mexican Themed Birthday
“You’re invited to a fiesta!
You’ll definitely need a siesta after this birthday party.
It’s (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
2. Dinner and Drinks
“(Guest of honor) is one year older
But she won’t have any time to frown
When all of her best friends take her out on the town!
Please join us for dinner, dancing, and cocktails as we celebrate
(Guest of honor)
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
3. Casual Party
“Say it isn’t so…
(Guest of honor) is turning the big 6-0!
He didn’t want a party, he said, “No way!”
But after talking it over, we’re having one anyway!
Join us in celebrating (Guest of honor) ’s special day.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. Golf Party
“You’re invited to a special ‘PAR-TEE.’
Celebrating (Guest of honor) ’s (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Don’t fore-get to bring your clubs!”
Surprise Birthday Invitation Wording
1. Shhh…
“Shhh, …it’s a surprise birthday!
Join us in celebrating (Guest of honor) ’s special day.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Don’t forget – it’s a secret!”
2. Don’t Blow It
“Oh dear, don’t blow it!
We’re hosting a surprise party for (Guest of honor)!
Please join us at (Date) | (Time) | (Address)
To celebrate his/her special day!
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
3. Fabulous Surprise
We’ve planned a fabulous party,
and you’re invited to show.
Be sure not to tell the birthday boy/girl,
because they do not know!
Join us for a super special surprise party for
(Guest of honor)’s (age) birthday!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. Top Secret
“This is a TOP SECRET invitation to
(Guest of honor)’s (age) birthday!
Please join us on (Date) at (Time) at (Address)
To celebrate their special day
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
Joint Birthday Invitation Wording
1. Kid’s Joint Birthday
“Uh oh…double the trouble!
(Guest of honor) and (Guest of honor) are celebrating their
(Age) birthday together!
Please join us in celebrating their special day.
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
2. Two Ages
“(Guest of honor) is turning (age) and
(Guest of honor is turning (age)!
You’re invited to celebrate their birthday
With friends and family on (Date) at (Time) at (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
We can’t wait to see you there!”
3. Joint Celebration
“Let’s all get together to celebrate
(Guest of honor) ’s (age)
(Guest of honor) ’s (age)
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
4. Double Celebration
“Double celebration, double the fun!
Please join us in celebrating
(Guest of honor) ’s and (Guest of honor) ’s birthdays!
Let’s eat, drink, and dance together!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)”
5. Wine Birthday
“Friends, merlot, snacks, and treats!
We’re getting together to celebrate
(Guest of honor) and guest of honor
For their (age) birthdays!
(Date) | (Time) | (Address)
RSVP to (your name), (phone number), (RSVP deadline)
Don’t forget to bring your own wine!”
When you’re thinking of birthday party invitation wording, there are numerous ways you can put a few memorable phrases together.
The best thing you can do is get straight to the point, give all of the guests the information they need, and then choose the perfect design.
What makes invitations stand out is a combination of words and aesthetics! You can easily create ideal ideas with all of these great examples of birthday invitation wording.
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