10 Smart Gadgets to Help You Get a Good Sleep

For many people there is nothing more difficult than getting the right amount of sleep, even after a tiring day. Often times we find ourselves falling asleep but being unable to stay asleep as a result of broken sleep patterns or outside distractions. With the help of recent technology, sleeping can become far simpler than you ever imagined, which is essential for not only your mental health but your physical health as well.
Below are 10 great smart gadgets that are specifically designed to help you get a good sleep after a tiring day so you can wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.
1. Eight Smart Mattress
One of the biggest concerns you might have when it comes to getting enough sleep is your mattress and you’re certainly not alone. There are millions of people around the world that find themselves shopping for a new surface to lie on as their own mattress might cause backaches, headaches, or general discomfort.
The Eight Smart Mattress comes equipped with reactive foam that allows you to not only control the temperature of your mattress, but to also track your sleep patterns. Much like you would be able to track your sleeping patterns through a smart watch, this mattress creates a list of your monthly and weekly sleep trends so you can work on developing better habits.
The most interesting feature is by far the temperature control, which allows you to adjust your mattress to the perfect degree of warmth or coolness in order to achieve a peaceful rest at the end of the day. If you’re sleeping with a partner, there’s no need to worry as they have their own set of temperature controls and sleep tracking as well.
2. DreamME ORBIT
Available on Kickstarter
Imagine having the ability to fall asleep in space, although this might seem like something only available to astronauts, the DreamME ORBIT is a device that turns your regular smartphone into a beautiful projector. You’ll be able to see stars and planets in great detail, transforming your bedroom into a relaxing atmosphere.
3. GhostPillow
Similar to the Eight Smart Mattress, the GhostPillow is designed to monitor the temperature of your bed as you sleep. Depending on your personalized settings, once you fall asleep there will be a cool burst of air generated by the device to keep your pillow at the perfect temperature. It is also designed with specialized materials that help to wick away moisture, not to mention its ergonomic design that helps to alleviate neck and back pain.
4. Bedjet
Now there’s no need to worry about buying a special heating blanket when you have a bed that offers an on-demand cooling and heating system. The Bedjet offers a ventilation system that helps to prevent your body from getting too cold and it wicks moisture away from sweating overnight. It’s the perfect component to your bedroom, especially if you’re dealing with hot flashes or if you are overheated quite easily. On the other end of the spectrum, sleepers who find they are getting too cold at night can access deep warmth that is phenomenal for a therapeutic sensation throughout your whole body.
Again, if you find that you regularly sleep with a partner, you’ll love the dual climate zone controls that allow you to each customize the comfort of the mattress on either side of your bed.
5. Elf Emmit
As a device that you would assume would only be available in science fiction movies, the Elf Emmit is a great device that has been scientific and medically proven to help reduce stress and anxiety. This makes it the perfect device to get better sleep for people who find themselves kept awake by their thoughts at night. It’s an entirely noninvasive headband that creates pulses of electromagnetic energy to help adjust your sleep, the reduction of stress, deep learning, meditation, and concentration.
By using your smartphone or tablet, you can control the device through an app and it’s specifically designed to be worn at night, giving you the comforting peacefulness you need to fall asleep.
6. Withings Aura Smart Sleep System
Who would have thought there was a single device that would help to deal with all issues you might be experiencing in regards to your sleep. The Withings Aura Sleep System helps you to transition from wakefulness to sleeping with the use of lights and sounds. Its smart nature helps to determine what your ideal sleep cycle is to ensure that you fall asleep and wake up at the perfect times.
Another interesting feature of the device is you can track all of your sleep patterns through an app on your smartphone.
7. Dream Tech Snoring Solution
If there’s one thing everyone knows about sleeping with a partner it’s that snoring can greatly disrupt your sleep. With the help of the Dream Tech Snoring Solution, you’ll be able to curb your tendency to keep your partner awake and vice versa. The snoring solution comes with a nasal dilator and a chin strap that is designed to help you breathe only through your nose and to have access to more oxygen than ever before.
8. Dodow Metronome Sleep System
Those who have used the Dodow Metronome Sleep System agree that with its help, you fall asleep as quickly as you would if you were on sleeping medication. It is an all-natural device that is designed to help you fall asleep quickly and naturally and can be used by both adults and children alike. There are 2 different settings you can choose from: 8 minutes and 20 minutes, and after these time periods are up, the device shuts itself off on its own.
9. Puredown Body Pillow
Another huge reason as to why you might not be getting the best sleep is your posture, which is why many people rely on body pillows. The Puredown Body Pillow is shaped like a “U” and is designed to help you achieve the ideal sleeping posture throughout the night. When you wake up, you’ll feel rejuvenated and more comfortable than you have ever been.
10. Weighted Blanket by Zonli
When it comes to anxiety and stress, plenty of people rely on weighted blankets as it helps them to feel in control and calm. The Weighted Blanket is weighted to where it accounts for 10% of your body weight and offers deep stimulation designed to help produce higher levels of melatonin (responsible for sleep). It essentially mimics the feeling of being hugged and depending on your personal body weight you can choose from 15 to 25 pound models.
When it comes to sleep, technology has you covered, as there are plenty of smart devices on the market that you can take advantage of. From all-inclusive sleeping systems to temperature-controlled mattresses, every corner of sleep deprivation is covered in an effort to help you feel more rested once you wake up in the morning.
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