Your Office Colleagues Will Totally Be Jealous Of the Following Office Gadgets on Your Desk!

De-stressing and remaining happy at work starts with a fun, inviting environment. Desk toys and gadgets are a great addition to make any workspace a happy one. Sometimes, feeling more productive just means reaching for a…
Fidget Spinner!
More likely than not you’ve been in a meeting and you hear the quiet hum of what sounds like miniature wheels spinning. Is that the sound of a tiny man on a tiny motorcycle?
Unsure of what it is, you look beneath the table amongst laps and notice a wheel like toy spinning around someone fingers. What the-?
These addictive office toys are made for people who wiggle and move during meetings or at their desk. The spinners have three-four bearings and twist around a tiny center at the tap of one’s finger. The spinners are a huge fad right now and come in all kinds of colors and styles, galore.
Fruit Infuser Water Bottle
Hot summer days in the office can be so much more refreshing with the right beverage. The fruit infuser water bottle has a full-length fruit infuser for your favorite fruit of choice.
Lemons and cucumbers or strawberries can make an excellent addition to seltzer or water in this sealed infuser water bottle.
Healthy choices can make or break a pro-active day in the office. The infuser water bottles is a great way to put everything aside and tend to some self-care time before getting back on the daily work grind.
The water bottle is made from BPA-free plastic and comes with an insulation sleeve and a recipe e-book.
Portable Coffee Cup Phone Charger, Or Any Cool Phone Charger for That Matter
First thing in the morning, we often head right to the coffee maker or the nearest coffee shop to get in our daily doses of caffeine.
As soon our coffee is in hand, we’re ready to face the day, and face all the emails that came in all night long. The next thing we crave is our phone!
In this plugged-in or fail professional world we live in, nothing compliments a cup of coffee more than an iPhone. This new phone charger uses the heat from a boiling cup of coffee to literally get the battery charged in a phone.
The application is a pricey one, but is just one of many portable chargers that can send a wave of jealousy through your colleagues in your office cube.
Alternatively, cool shaped phone chargers are now available pretty much anywhere and you can truly find some awesome ones.
Portable chargers can save the life of your phone or your colleague’s phone when someone is in a dire conversation with their loved one or landlord.
Seven-year Old Pen
Want to spark a conversation with anyone passing by your office desk? The glorious seven-year-old pen can write for over two miles!
A jumbo-size ink cartridge holds substantially more ink than the average pen, and can last up to seven years. The medium-point tip allows for easy, smooth writing for all your meeting notes and to-do list post-its.
Deep down, everyone loves to save the environment and have an incredible writing utensil for their office. The pen is both environmentally-friendly and long-lasting, which makes for a great stocking-stuffer or even a gift for someone in your office.
Home Made Stress Ball
Stress balls for the desk are a basic necessity for survival on the dark days in the office when work piles up and meetings fill up your weekly schedule.
What will turn stress balls from basic to weird and wonderful is home-made balloons filled with flour or playdough! Surprise your colleagues with homemade stress balls made from colorful balloons and cooking ingredients.
Draw faces on them with a permanent marker and pass them around to your colleagues. Write word bubbles with sayings like “WE MADE IT!” and “TGIF!”
Simple and creative, hand-made wacky sack stress balls can out-play basic ones and bring a smile to your colleague’s face.
Making the most of your office space starts with office toys and gadgets to get your colleagues talking and make your work life just as fun and wacky as your life outside of work.
Sometimes, stress can bubble up and fizzle out in weird physicals and verbal animations. Gadgets like fidget spinners and stress balls can alleviate all kinds of manifestations of stress and help bring focus back to the work in front of you.
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